Be Mine

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I look at my dad giggling as he makes weird faces. He pinches his nose with two fingers clamping his mouth shut as he puts air into his cheeks making them grow big and wide. When he held on the position for a couple of seconds his cheeks started to get a little red. He let out a big breath as I giggled. Momma blows up a bubble in her cheeks like daddy, except she goes crossed eyes and grabbed her ears. I fell over on my side laughing, my sides started hurting from laughing so much and hard.

I looked over at my little baby sister, beaming at the new family member

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I looked over at my little baby sister, beaming at the new family member. Momma held her arms out and grabbed the baby from its cradle. She rubbed slow wide circles on the babies cheek, cooing at her. We heard a loud noise from downstairs. Daddy slowly crept down the stairs looking for the trouble. When he was out of sight, Momma grabbed my arm while still holding the baby. She dragged us to the window where she opened it fast but quietly. "BANG! BANG! BANG!" We heard the gunshots from down the stairs. Momma gasped loudly and started sobbing. I tugged on Momma's hand a bit, I stared at her with my big blue eyes. Her brown eyes snapped to mine, she sniffed and started saying, "Daisy, grab your sister and run. Don't ever stop running, I-I have to go check on your father. I'll find you someday. I promise. Just keep your sister safe. Here, use this money for the both of you. Just never stop running I love you both to the moon and back twice." Momma moved the crib aside and peeled the carpet off. She moved a wooden piece of floor and there sat a rusty old jewlery box. She opened it with a key that she wore around her neck. I always asked about the key, but she never answered or took it off. She ripped it from her neck and unlocked the box. There stood a little pouch with tons of those green bills. "Here, use this money to survive." She smiled and handed me the purse. I nodded and took the baby from her arms. She strapped the baby holder and put the baby on my stomach so both of my hands were free.

I climbed out the window and walked down the steps. It was a miracle that the baby didn't fall out of my arms. Before I went for good I asked, "Wait, what is the baby's name??" Momma turned her head over and smiled, "Whatever you want it to be honey bunny. What ever you want." I smiled and skipped down the road in the night.

I hummed the song my little sunshine until I reached a gastation

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I hummed the song my little sunshine until I reached a gastation. Baby was crying long before we got here. I lifted her up a bit, her butt smelled like she wet her pants. I cringed, Momma taught me how to take care of baby before she was born. Just in case. I walked in the gastation which was quiet except for the babies wailing. I walked through a couple of isles until I found diapers. I can't believe that there was a whole babies section. I picked out a bag with pink butterflies on it and a pink bottle, diapers and a few clothes. I waited patiently for the man to finish scanning my items. He asked, "Is your mommy or daddy here?" I shook my head 'no'. His eyebrows raised at me. He sighed
and smiled. I got out a couple of bills and tried handing them to him. He shook his head no. "There are free. And you need formula for her." He pointed to the baby and started walking to the babies section. His eyes scanned until it landed on somethibg, his hand reached for something and came back with baby formula. On the way back, he grabbed a candy bar and a slice of pizza. He set the babies stuff and candy bar in the bag and it fit perfectly, he handed me the slice of pizza and said, "Don't worry it's free." I nodded and said , "Thank you sir." He nodded and smiled, "If you need anything, come to me." I nodded and smiled. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the bag. I saw a blanket that I didn't even notice. It would be big enough for me and the baby. I folded the blanket and set the baby by my feet. After using the bathroom I grabbed a diaper out of the bag and went to the changing table that hung on the wall. Once I changed her, I made a bottle with formula in it. She drank quite fast. After my arms got tired of holding her, I sat down against the wall and set her between my legs. She leaned back and drank her bottle. I took out my pizza and ate it. Greese slid down my chin, I wiped it away with my bare arm and yawned.

There was a knock on the door, I got up and answered it. Which was weird concisdering that it was a bathroom. The nice man was there. "You want to stay at my house and sleep at my house for the night?" I nodded my head vigorously. Too tired to think.
He picked up the baby and grabbed my arm softly. He went to his silver corwin and buckled us in. With baby on my lap, I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes to see a very bright light also known as sunshine

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I opened my eyes to see a very bright light also known as sunshine. There was a tray full if food. French toast, orange juice, an apple, syrup, butter, and silver ware. 'Who am I' I thought. After eating the delishous breakfast, I got up and stretched. I walked out of the room and into the room across. There was my little baby sister sleeping in a crib. I looked around, this room was incredible.

 I looked around, this room was incredible

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I walked out closing the door behind me. The narrow hallways were a bit small, but there were decorated. I reached a kitchen. Why can't I remember going here? I looked straight at two pairs of blue eyes. They looked in their twenties, when I was just four. Who were the people, one of the spoke, "Hey girly, did you have a good rest?" I looked at the women, "Who are you? My name is , um." The women looked at you closely, "Do you not remember who I am. I am your mother, why can't you remember! Are you hurt!?" I shook my head no."I think I remember you guys, yeah I think your Momma." I said pointing to the nice looking women. "An-and your daddy." I stated looking at the man. "I know for a fact that the baby in there is my sister, and you guys said I could choose her name." The women eyed me, "Darling, can you remember your name?" I nodded my head yes. "Yes, my name is Daisy." After I thought for a minute. She nodded tears in her eyes, "Good." I tilted my head, "Can I watch TV?" Momma nodded, "Do whatever you want, Darling. What ever you want." She smiled then reached over and held me tight. It felt right in her arms, I knew this was my Momma. "I know what I want to name the baby." I stated. She let go of me, "Yeah, and what is that?" I said one word, "Lily." My mom smiled and said, "Daisy and Lily. I love it. I love you." I answered back, "I love you too. But I have a question, what is your and daddy's names?" Momma replied, "My name is Heather and daddy's name is Ivy. All of our names are flower related so its cute." I smiled and nodded, I smiled all the way to the living room. I figured out the remote very quickly since it was a good sized remote. I watched cartoons until my vision became darkness. I dreamed about Lily and my new home. I loved my new home, I am going to stay here for a long time.

1368 words

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