The Wish That Started It All

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Dean took another sip of his beer as he looked over at his brother who was typing away on his computer. "Did you find anything?" The older brother asked as he gently placed his bottle on the counter. Sam nodded and turned the laptop so the screen was facing his brother. "Yeah. About five people have been reported missing and within a day they all called home safe saying they were in Hawaii or some other dream vacation place."

Dean raised as eyebrow as to say "yeah, so?" Sam rolled his eyes a little as he pushed the screen closer and pointed to the middle of the screen, probably to something he wanted Dean to read. "They were here the day before. Went to bed in their homes to wake up in a five-star hotel." He explained. Dean brought the bottle up to his full lips again and nodded understandingly. "Oh. That's odd." He said before tipping the bottle back. "A bit." Sam added as he closed his laptop.

Just then a group of about four or five girls walked into the bar, taking up the seats next to Dean. The bartender, a young man with dark hair and brown eyes, smiled at them. "What can I get you ladies?" He asked kindly. The girl right next to Dean smiled back at the man other the other side of the counter as she flipped her long, wavy brown hair and batted her eyes. "Beers all around please." She spoke in a soft voice that was borderline seductive.

The bartender nodded and began pouring their drinks. Dean shifted his body to face the girl next to him and smiled. "Hey, I'm Dean." He said with a deepened voice. "What's your name, so I have something to call you besides beautiful." Sam almost choked on his beer as he held in his laughter. The girl flipped her hair and faced Dean. "Mrs. Brown." She said as she held out her left had with her wedding ring on it. "And these are my friends, Mrs. Heart, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. English and the soon to be Mrs. Simpson." Each girl raised their hand as they were named.

"Oh. Nice to meet you." Dean said with an awkward smile as he turned back to face Sam who was holding in his laughter. "Shut it." Dean glared as he grabbed his bottle. "Here you are, ladies. Five beers, on the house." The bartender said with a smile. "Oh, you didn't have to do that. Please let me pay." Mrs. Brown said as she reached in her purse. The bartender shook his head. "Nope, all girls get their first drink free." The girls thanked the bartender and began to sip on their drinks while they gossiped. Dean finished his beer and slammed some money on the counter while looking at Sam. "Damn, I wish I was a chick."

And that was the topic of the ride home. "Are you sure you'd want to be a girl?" Sam asked and Dean nodded. "Yeah. Free booze, line cutting, and boobs. What's not to love about that?"  He asked as his green eyes flickered to Sam and then back to the rode. "What about shaving, periods, labor?" Sam retorted. Dean shrugged as he made a turn and continued down the street. "Can't be that bad, I'll grin and bare it, won't get pregnant." Dean said while looking at Sam. "Okay. And what about the fear of walking home alone? Having to carry pepper spray everywhere. Having to watch your drink at bars. Girls have it way harder than us." Sam explained.

Dean sighed as he pulled into the parking lot of the motel. "I get that. But I'd be a tough girl, ya know. I'd be able to kick their ass before they touched mine." He said while turning off the Impala and hopping out. "I'm just saying." Sam said with a light chuckled as he closed the door and began walking to the motel room. "And so am I. Personally, I think the good of being a girl out ways the bad." Dean shrugged. Sam rolled his eyes and unlocked the motel door.

"What ever Deanna." A smile spread across Dean's face as he pointed to Sam excitedly. "That's a good name!" He clapped his hands and gave Sam a high five before kicking off his shoes and stripping down to his boxers and falling on the bed. "So tomorrow we're gonna go to the house of Deborah Jackson. She's the wife of  Daniel Jackson who was one of the people who disappeared." Sam said as he did the same. Dean gave him a thumbs up and they both fell asleep.


Dean stirred in his sleep, dreaming about boobs and booze when a soft fabric hit his face. He slowly opened his tired eyes and grabbed at the white fabric blocking his vision. He looked over at Sam who was having trouble keeping his gaze on the floor, his face was a bright red and his lips were pulled into a thin line. "Dude, what's wrong?" Dean asked, shocked by the feminine sound of his own voice, he figured it was because he just woke up. "Dean. Deanna. Whatever. Please put a shirt on." Sam said in a shaky tone. Dean's face scrunched up in confusion and he began to pull the shirt over his head, stopping when he looked down and saw two fully exposed double D's on his chest. His mind went blank as three words left his mouth. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"


Well, that's it for the first chapter. If you enjoyed and would like me to continue please tell me in the comment. I mean, I will continue regardless but it'd be nice to get some feed back. Thank you so much for reading


Hello, my name is Dea... Uh I mean Deanna. Where stories live. Discover now