Well, Deanna it is then

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Dean was pacing around the room, her hands on her head with slender fingers in tangled in her thick, long, dirty blonde hair. Her shirt was sliding to the side, exposing her shoulder as it was too big. Her boxers were barley staying in place but luckily her hips where wide enough to hold them up. "Calm down." Sam said as he sat on his bed, typing away in his laptop to find out what could have possibly happened. Dean stopped paving and dropped her hands to her sides angrily.

"How and I suppose to calm down?" She asked, frustration visible in her voice as it was shaky and high pitched. "I'm a chick! This isn't something you can just be calm about!" She hugged herself tightly for a second before dropping her hands again. "Did you call Cas?" She asked before a wind blew through the room. "Yes. He did." Castiel said in his usual raspy voice. Dean jump at the sudden appearance of him and place a hand over her chest.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked Sam who pointed to Dean. "Oh, we're out of beer and wanted to know if you could pick up some more." Dean said as she placed a hand on her hip. "I'm sensing that's not the real problem." Cas said as his blue eyes looked up and down Dean's new body. She kept a lot of the features she had as a he. Her eyes were still the beautiful shade of forest green, she still had freckles along the bridge of her nose and cheeks, her lips were still plump, she also still had her tattoo over her chest along with Cas' hand mark on her left shoulder.

"Of course it's not the real problem! I don't have a dick anymore!" Dean exploded as she threw her arms in the air. Sam began chuckling, "Dean I'm so sorry. Not only are you a girl now." He paused as he held back his laughter. "But you already got your period too." Dean glared at her brother and grabbed a pillow, throwing it at him. "I'm gonna hurt you." She threatened. "Do you have any idea as to how this happened." Cas asked as he turned his attention to Sam who shrugged. "We think it's tied into whatever had been sending people on a free vacation." He said as he closed his laptop in defeat. "Any idea what that is?" Sam shook his head.

Dean went back to pacing. "What are we gonna do?" She said as she liked at the two Boys. Sam and Cas looked from each other to Dean. "We should probably buy yo some clothes that fit." Sam said with a chuckle. Dean shot him a glare when her face faded into to one of worry. "Are you alright?" Cas asked noticing Dean's expression. "I need to pee." She said bluntly as a light blush graced her cheeks. Sam began laughing as dean's face reddened. "Shut up! It's not funny!" She whined. Sam continued laughing and Dean stormed off into the bathroom.


Dean had a sour look on her face as she drove down the street. "I thought you wanted to be a girl." Sam said as he looked over at his new big sister who shook her head. "Yeah? Well I wasn't really expecting it to happen." she said as she rolled her eyes and pulled into the parking lot of a Walmart. Dean parked the impala and hopped out of the car, Sam following her as she walked in through the Walmart doors. Dean and Sam made their way to the woman's section and began to search for an outfit suitable for hunting. "Hey, Sam." Dean said as she scanned through the clothes. "What size do you think I am?" Dean asked, holding up a shirt. Sam looked over Dean quickly before looking away. "Either a medium or a large." He said before walking out of the section. Dean shrugged and began to pick out a few new clothes.

She had a few outfits when she realized that she didn't have any underwear or a bra. A smirk spread across Dean's face as she walked over to the lingerie section. Her eyes scanned over the undergarments. She grabbed hold of a black thong and smiled. "Oh yeah." She said with a nod as she dropped it in her cart along with a few pairs of boy shorts. With the help of a worker she figured out her cup size and picked out a Lacey black bra along with a white sports bra, recommend by the worker. Dean and Sam paid for the clothes and drove back to the motel.

Sam waited out side of the bathroom door while Dean got dressed. Sam chuckled a little every time Dean groaned or grunted. "You having trouble?" Sam asked, a smile spread across his lips. "I'm the master at taking bras off, not putting them on!" Dean groaned from the other side. Sam began to laugh and Dean rolled her eyes. She finally hooked her bra on and finished getting dressed.

Dean slowly turned the knob of the bathroom door and stepped out. She was wearing a white tank top, a pair of faded jeans, an unbuttoned plaid shirt and a pair of cowgirl boots. Dean stuffed her hands in her pockets and sighed. "You ready to go?" She asked as she looked up at Sam who nodded. "Yup."  The two bo... Siblings grabbed their guns and their bags before heading out to meet Deborah.


"It was so strange." Deborah said as she sat, a cup of coffee in her hands. She was a short, plump woman with greying hair and deep blue eyes. "I remember we were sitting in bed, watching tv, when a travel ad for Hawaii popped up and then Daniel said how much he wished he could go to Hawaii. We went to bed and when I woke up he was gone." The woman explained before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Okay. What were Daniel's exact words before you twin went to bed?" Sam asked as he leaned in closer to the woman, his elbows resting on his knees and his head rested on the knuckled of his closed hands. Deborah tilted her head as she thought.

"His exact words were. 'Man, Deb. I wish I could go to Hawaii." She shrugged. "And then the next morning he phoned me saying he was safe in a five star hotel." She explained as she looked form Sam to Dean.

"I'm sorry." Deborah said as she placed her cup down in the coffee table. "Who are you again?" She asked, eyeing Dean with a hint of jealousy.

"Oh. I am Sam. And this is my broth... Sister..." Sam looked over at Dean for help. Dean shrugged and looked at Deborah with a smile. "I'm Dea...Anna! Deanna." She said, giving Sam a thumbs up. Sam sighed and resisted the urge to face palm at Dean's new name. Deanna it is then.


And now we have chapter two. I don't really know where I'm going with this story I just really liked the idea of Dean becoming a girl. If you enjoyed and would like me to continue please feel free to comment and vote. Thank you so much for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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