Chapter 9

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        Silence. Worse than that it was awkward silence that filled the impala. Not even with music to fill the air the only sounds between Ash and Dean were the roar of the impala and any other car that might have passed them. Ash studied Dean as he sat tightly in the drivers side of the vehicle. His hand was gripped onto the steering wheel like he was afraid that if he let go of it they would crash. His body was tense, not at all laid back like usual. His handsome face was full of stress and lost in deep thought, green eyes starring strictly on the road although it was easy to tell his mind was elsewhere. He resembled a stature, with little movement in his body unless to blink, turn the steering wheel or breath.
       Had she done something wrong? Ash thought that over at least a hundred times to try to get answers to why Dean was this way. The look in his eyes and the tone of his body told her he was mad or angry and not wanting to talk to her in the slightest.
    "So..." Ash brought up casually, his gray eyes looking anywhere but to Dean as she attempted to strike up a conversation. Except it wasn't going that well. "D...did I do something? I mean, you seem really...tense. Like you've just gotten news your girlfriend has been cheating on you with your best friend, tense." Dean let out a deep breath as if he had been holding that in for the whole ride. For the first time since they got into the car Dean look to Ash and then back onto the road.
    "No i'm...not mad at you." Not good enough, Ash wanted the whole truth.
    "Right well then who are you mad at?" Dean took a second to answer the question which he really didn't feel like answering.
    "No's...nothing." A lie obviously. It was easy to tell when Dean was lying, she could pick out small things like his voice suddenly changing to more relaxed than before or his eyes would flicker to the opposite direction of the person he spoke with. Plus he would take a second to think of his lie. This lie he didn't care too much to hide, being 'nothing' wasn't a very good lie to start with. This little ability to tell if the eldest Winchester was lying or not was something that came naturally to Ash. Automatically she would look to those key aspect while he talked to her to know if he was telling the truth. It was probably something she picked up before she lost her memory.
    "Nothing...forgive me if I don't think it's about nothing." she said sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest and awaiting for an answer.
    "Ash just leave it alright?" he ordered. His stern voice had caused Ash to back down. Not for long though, it was only quiet for a couple more minutes until she decided to bring it up again.
    "It's not healthy to keep stuff in like this, Dean."
    "It's nothing, Ash." he repeated
    "And denial isn't going to help anything on top of that. Look at you, you're so stiff you look like a statute. You stressing about something, just tell me what."
    "It's not a big deal!"
    "I don't care, it wasn't a big deal when they were out of pie at that damn diner but you moped around for about a week after that and wouldn't tell us why until Sam got fed up and bought you pie. You can't just hold everything in, not in this job as I hear it's a pain in the ass and with the stuff that you go through on a regular basis you should really go see a psychiatrist or something because..."
    "Wait what did you just say?" It wasn't in a mad expression now it was serious, surprised as if he heard something he found was impossible.
    " need to see a psychiatrist..."
    "No, what you said about the pie thing. How did you remember that?"
    "Didn't you guys tell me?" she asked, changing tones and forgetting about Deans previous state. She thought back to all the times that Dean, her, Sam and Cas had talked and not once even mentioned pie. Excitement raced through her followed by a large smile showing onto the girls face.
    "No, we didn't. You've remembered remember anything else? What was your parents middle names? Or uh...your last boyfriend?"
    "I...don't remember those things. I don't remember anything else I just remember that. And not much just bits and pieces. I remember sitting at the diner and the waitress saying they didn't have pie...and then a week later when Sam went out and got you pie. Really it's not that much or that important."
    "No, this is good. Great even, you're beginning to remember things, even small things it's a good step to getting all your memory back."

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