Chapter 4

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"Who are you?" Ash called out into the forest in front of her, her sweet voice echoing through the abandoned woods. A darkened silhouette stood in the distance, a mere 10 feet away from her. It was a mans silhouette for sure, judging from the lack of feminine curves, attractively strong body type and just from the way he stood with his feet shoulder length apart, his hands pushed into his jacket was more masculine. From what Ash could make out of the man he seemed to be wearing a formal looking work coat, almost like a blazer as well as pants and a fedora it looked like. The attire was anything but something you would wear in the forest and belonged more in a office building or some rich people party. The odd thing was despite how much Ash tried to get close to him he would always be 10 feet away from her. She had spent forever chasing after him and now she gave up, calling out to him. She knew she was dreaming, she knew this was just some random figment of her imagination but she couldn't leave well enough alone and needed to try to find out who this mystery man was. "Why am I here?" Ash asked again, crossing her hands over her chest at the fall wind coming through the familiar looking forest of pine, oak and maple trees.

"It doesn't matter who I am." she hadn't expected him to actually reply. His voice was low and confirmed her recent suspicions of being male. It was husky much like Deans was, yet much more formal speaking.

"It kind of does..." she hated playing around like this, wanting to get down to the point she stepped forward, as if that would help anything, he had just moved the same distance away from her She gave an annoyed exhale, awaiting for the mans next words.

"No, you'll learn in time."

"That's what I've been told. I would like for something to just come to me, please." Although the man only shook his head.

"I am here to help you, Ashley."


"Right, Ash...."

"I am dreaming right?"

"Yes. You won't remember your dream by morning either, if you so should call it a dream. It's more then that you could say. Nonetheless I am here to help you Ash."

"Help me? How exactly, you're a figment of my imagination. A figure Ii have conjured up for whatever reason I am having some lucid dream in a forest with a mystery man I can't get close to." The man gave a semi annoyed sigh, his stance changing to cover his arms over his chest.

"Ash I am not apart of your dream...I am more then just your dream. You will understand it all later, for now I am sent here to watch over you. To try to help you through this problem about loosing your memory."

"You're suppose to help me get my memory back yet when I wake up I wont remember this?" Ash scoffed lightly "Yeah I can see how this is really going to help." Sarcasm dripped in her voice, she learned that she did this was she was confused or frustrated which wasn't really a nice habit to have picked up but she couldn't exactly stop it now. She still thought this man was full of crap. "So if you're suppose to help you know me?"

"In a way..."

"So can't you just zap my memories back?"

"Sadly no, much like Castiel had tried with you before your mind is guarded and i'm afraid no one except for the person who put that...wall there, if you so choose to call it that, can move it, unless we can find a way for you to remember and break through that wall. Which is why I am here, to help you break through the wall. Call me your coach if you will." his tone turned slightly less monotone as they continued talking, more joking and even slightly cocky.

"Couldn't you just tell me everything about myself and maybe then I will remember?"

"No, there wouldn't be any point. You need to discover your memories for yourself, if I tell you everything then you don't learn. Not really. I believe it was you who thought before about ho Sam and Dean were telling you about this woman they knew, the woman who used to be you yet all you thought were that they were telling you stories. This woman wasn't really you. It's more then just telling you and it comes back, Aash. It'll be tough work, although I am hopeful this would work."

"And if not?" he didn't answer. She wanted to tell Sam and Dean about this, was this considered normal in their world of hunting?

"No it's not normal."


"This isn't normal for people to be having this dream." the man clarified almost as if reading her thoughts.

"You can read my mind?"

"Ash we are in your mind, of course I can tell what you're thinking." Ash rolled her eyes lightly.

"Fine. Are you sure there isn't something I can call you?"

"Call me whatever you want." she could see him shrug carelessly, again she had no idea why she felt obliged to give her new dream coach a name, yet a name had came to her almost right away.


"Ah yes, of Greek origins meaning tame. Or in the meaning of Saint Damien, twin brother to Cosmos, them being the patron saints of physicians?"

"As in Damien from The Omen..." a low chuckle escaped from Damiens lips, able to send shivers up through Ash's body.

"I can assure you I am no son of the devil."

"You remind me of something dark and mysterious. Damien just seems to fit you."

"I'll just take that as a compliment then..." In moments she heard something far in the distance, the cracking of trees, splitting of the ground as if the earth was ripping in two. Trees began to fall and collapse as the hidden animals in the forest began to scatter in search of somewhere safe to be.

"Whats going on?" she asked in a panicked tone, yet Damien was calm.
"You're waking up. I will see you tomorrow night I assume. And then we can start trying to get your memories back."

"Wait Damien!" Ash called but he was gone, out of sight leaving her to face the crashing trees and just as one had fallen on top of her. She held her hands above her face as if that would protect her and within seconds she only saw blackness.


Ash awoke with a jolt, sitting up suddenly from in her bed in the bunker. She hadn't noticed the sweat that was dripping off of her forehead until she went to wipe it off. She couldn't seem to remember last nights dream either, what had made her jump up like that? Her heart was still racing a mile a minute as she slowed it down.

Looking over at the side of the bed on the night stand stood a digital clock reading 10:30am. Cursing slightly under her breath she got up and began to get changed, preparing herself to face another day.  

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