Chapter 1: First day at school

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Andrea's pov.
It is the first day back at school already I said getting out of bed. I combed my hair in a tight ponytail as I got ready to go into the bathroom, I took a quick bathe then went back to my room. I took out a white tank top and my peach pants along with my white converse. I went downstairs to find my mother and father talking while my little brother Dominic eating a plate of pancakes with syrup on top. I said good morning to my mom and dad as i am about to sit beside Dominic my iPhone start to ring playing Sorry by Justin Beiber I looked over on my phone to she my best friend Kayanna calling I answered the call Hey Kayanna, Hey Andrea I am outside waiting please come now! I sighed and said okay I am coming but I am taking my breakfast! I kissed my parents telling them bye while I took my breakfast from Dominic.
I went outside to see Kayanna in her Audi R4 waiting I ran to her car opened the passengers door as I sat in her car closed the door and turn to see a smiling Kayanna, are you going to tell Jason that you like him, I rolled my eyes at her and said no I'м not going to because (1) He is the most popular boy in school and (2) He has a girlfriend Alex I quoted with my hands "queen bee" Kayanna sighed she really is Colston Highs bitch but still tell him NO I shout. On the way to school the car ride was silent leaving the radio to play What do you mean by Justin beiber. I sat their thinking of how much my best friend loves Justin Beiber. When we reached school Kayanna found a parking space at the far side of the school, as we walked into the school we saw Alex with her minions at the front of the school with Jason by her side staring at a girl getting out of her car I think who is Lexia from my math class last year. I walked to my locker putting in my books that I don't need for Spanish with Kayanna beside me also in her locker I turn to her and say this is going to be a long and rough school year, yeah I think so too but I hope you tell Jason how you feel said Kayanna about for the third time now for the day no I will not. The bell rang signalling us we have 5 minutes to get to class. We walked to the office to collect our timetables Kayanna grabbed my timetable to see how many classes we have together, Yeah she shouted in my ears we have 2 class together every day. I grabbed my paper from her telling her to get to class and met me at my locker at lunch time. I walked of leaving a staring Kayanna at a new boy.

As I walked to Spanish class I saw Jason kissing Alex I stared at them and said to my self I am no match to her how will Jason even like me. I entered the class to see Lexia sitting at the front on her iPhone I walked over to a seat at the window as I sat in the seat the bell rang then the class was filled with student unfortunately no one sat beside me as usual on less Kayanna was in my class then she would've sit beside me. Mrs Johnson entered the class Buenos dias clase Buenos dias we all replied, she started calling the register.........................
Aleх Graнaм
Leхιa Green
Jaѕon Harvey
Andrea Macĸenzιe
Orlando Roвerтѕ
When Mrs Johnson reached Jason's name he was not in the class, two minutes into spanish class when Mrs Johnson was telling us about the different spanish speaking countries the door flew open to reveal a laughing Jason every one turned to look at him when Orlando said bro where have you being I have not seen you since you where kissing Alex, Alex shout Oh baby I've missed you where have you been. I've got caught up in something. Mrs Johnson said Mr Harvey please take a seat beside Ms MacKenzie, a small blush crept up my face finally maybe he will notice me, but I thought wrong he didn't when first period was finished I went to Chemistry class where I met Kayanna talking to the same boy from this morning I went over with a smile on my face Hey Kayanna who is this friend of yours. Oh hey Andrea this is my new friend Matthew said Kayanna and he is from Jamaica, Hey Andrea I've heard so much about you, I couldn't wait to meet you.


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