Chapter 11

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I was starting to wake up, but I didn't want to open my eyes just yet. I was still tired from waking up from the dream last night. A knock on the door really caused me to open my eyes. I looked at the clock, 3:30pm. Why did I sleep so late! I looked over to the other side of my bed to see James was gone. "Come in!" Looking over, I saw it was James. "Morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" "Good. Thanks for last night though. I'm sorry I woke you" "It wasn't a problem, I heard you screaming and crying, I didn't know what was going on. But that's all over, I'm here now." I smiled at the thought of him being here for me whenever I needed him. Looking at the clock once again, it clicked in my mind. Cloe is coming in a half hour! "I love how you will always be here for me" I started to get up and walked towards him. "Just not right now, Cloe's coming in 30 minutes so we can get ready for the dance! Sooo.... get out! You can't see us!" I started pushing James out of my room.

As soon as I got him all the way out, the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Cloe and Aiden standing there. "James! Come down here and hang with Aiden!" James came walking down the stairs. "Hey bro!" The did that weird man hug thing. Men are weird. Cloe came running in and she squealed as she dashed up to my room. "Someone's excited." "Whatever, she's your date!" Looking towards the boys, I said in a very stern, warning type voice. "We will be up in my room getting ready, I assume you brought your clothes?" Aiden held up his suit. "Good. Don't bother us, or someone here is going to get seriously hurt!" "Yes Ma'am" They both stood straight up and saluted me. We all cracked up, and I started walking towards the stairs where Cloe was waiting in my room.

I opened my door, to see her already doing her makeup. I'm one of those girls who doesn't normally wear makeup, so I asked Cloe to do it for me tonight, since she wears make up every day. When she was done doing her make up, she looked over at me. "Sit, its your turn." Doing as she said, I sat down in the chair she had placed infront of the mirror. She knows im not one to wear makeup so she only put on a little. She applied light blue eye shadow, and mascara to match my dress. She put on a pale pink lip gloss, and added a little bit of blush. I have to say, I looked really good. "Wow. You are amazing! Thanks so much!" Getting up from the chair, we walked towards my closet pulling out our dresses. I helped her zip up her dress first, then she helped me with mine. For her hair, she just pinned it up, and I curled the ends of mine.

We looked at the clock. The dance starts at seven, and it was now 6. "I guess we should start heading out?" We first called down the stairs to the boys to see if they were ready. "Yeah, now hurry up! You girls better look-" Before they could finish there sentence, we were already partially down the stairs. They stood up, and looked at us as we deliberately climbed down the stairs.

"Wow. Cloe, you look...absolutely amazing!" Aiden carefully eyed Cloe as she made her way to him. I was standing next to James hand in hand, watching them exchange glares. "Thanks Aiden!" I looked up at James, but he was already looking at me. "Emily, your beautiful. Even without the makeup and the dress, but tonight, you look breathtaking." I couldn't help but smile and blush at how sweet he was being. We all walked out the door, and hopped in Aiden's black Lamborghini.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I looked over at James, as I asked him this. "Yes, I wouldn't want to give up anything in the world, than for you to be my date to the dance tonight." We made our way through the doors. As soon as we stepped in, everybody stopped dancing and stared. We were looking around at everyone, as we continued to walk through to the dance floor.

I looked around, as everybody stared. I heard some snickers, but I didn't want them to get to me. As we walked towards the middle of the dance floor, the three popular girls in the school had abruptly stood there infront of us. "Wow." Claire is the blonde of the group, but she is the leader. She's not as dumb as she may seem. Turning towards Lunette, and Meagan she continued. "Shadow Girl had the guts to actually show up to spring formal!" The other two girls simply nodded. "I know right? And look, no one is here with her. James must have realized you weren't good enough and found someone else to go with." I was panicking now. Frantically, I turned around to realize they were right. James wasn't here.

I turned away from then thinking about what they had said. I knew this love was too good to be true. I started heading towards the door again. Briefly I turned around just to remember the moment I walked through these open doors. Instead of turning around again, and leaving, I stayed. Seeing James on the stage was one of the happiest moments. Only to realize he was talking to someone, my face stopped smiling, and returned to a dull expression. He kissed her on the cheek. He kissed her! At this point I was fuming! I wouldn't be surprised if you could see smoke coming out of my ears! You can say I'm jealous, but he is dating me and shouldn't be kissing another girl!

I started walking towards the stage. I don't care how embarrassing this is, I have to break up with him. He can't do this to me. "Excuse me! May I have everyone's attention?" I just made it to the edge of the stage with a few people in front of me. What was he doing? Everyone quieted, and turned to face James who was speaking into the microphone. "Thank you." He looked up and noticed me in the front. He smiled, and continued his speech. "I just wanted to say, yes. Yes, I James Liberty the hottest and most charming-" he flipped his hair to the side laughing. "-guy at the school is in fact dating Emily Stone . But you all know her as shadow girl. I pushed the few people out of my way as I reached the stage front. "What are you doing?" Whispering, I asked him. He held the microphone so know one would here him. "Making this the best night" He winked at me and continued.

"Tonight is Emily's birthday. And to celebrate, I have decided to be her date. I didn't do this for her, because she was always in the background." He turned and looked me in the eye. "I did this, because. I love her. I love her from the bottom of my heart, and I don't want anything to happen to her." He continued as he lifted his head back towards the crowd. "I promised her that I would always protect her, and in order for me to protect her, I want all of you to stop making fun of her and treat her like a normal person. She is an amazing girl and I am glad to call her my girlfriend." James started walking to where I was standing. He held our his hand, and without hesitation I grabbed it. He pulled me onto the stage area, and walked over to the microphone again with his hand interlocked with mine.

He turned to face me, but only slightly so he would still be able to talk into the Mic. "I promised you, I would make your birthday the best night ever. Well, the nights not over yet. Will you dance with me?" Nodding my head yes, he helped me down the stairs as we made our way to the middle of the dance floor again. We brushed past Claire and the Claire-wanna he's. We smirked as we continued down through the crowd. As soon as we reached the middle, he grabbed me by the waist and twirled me around so I would face him. He placed ny hand in his, raising them slightly, as he placed his other hand on my waist. I then placed my free hand on his shoulder as we danced to the slow rhythm of the music. Everyone soon joined in and danced around us. "Wow. James, this is the best birthday ever!" "I was hoping you would say that". And with that, he leaned in and kissed me. A kiss so loving it sent shivers down my spine. Tonight was the best night, and I wouldn't have traded it in for anything else in the world.

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