iii. a beat of death's heart

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a/n: ahhhh here's an update! thank you so much for waiting! <3


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"I demand to see Aphrodite."

Delivery Boy (Hermes) shook his head, pressing his lips in a thin line. "Can't."

Thanatos stepped forward and pulled his hood down. "Can't or won't? She did this to me, for a price."

Hermes was too busy checking his list, whatever was there, to even respond. He kept on murmuring things like 'parcels, lightning bolt, whip.' He kept on turning his caduceus (his staff) entwined with two snakes that kept on hissing round and around. His winged sandals were also in a constant flight, as if they were in a busy, tight schedule, which made Thanatos think that Hermes was only acting out of popularity. Zeus favored him too much.

Irritated, Thanatos took his list away and burned it to the ground. Hermes had the only privilege to visit the mortal world, Underworld, and Olympus – a VIP pass coming from Zeus, as usual.

"What did you do?" Hermes screamed, desperately trying to save the list. "Okay, okay, I'm sure we can settle this matter some –"

Thanatos cut him off, "Now."

Finally, Hermes looked up, shocked by his new appearance. "I am definitely in favor of your new look. So Aphrodite made you handsome, why would you hate it?"

"I paid the price. I am dying," he pointed out, disgusted with the word.

Hermes laughed out loud, even taking it so far as to disappearing a few times to share the joke with his other friends. He enjoyed Thanatos's choice of word so much it took him about five minutes before he could even straighten up again and ask: "You are dying?"

Thanatos squeezed his throat and rasped, "Yes, dearest Hermes, I am dying. And I'll make sure that before I die, you would have already been sent down in Tartarus." Unlike the laughing blond god, Thanatos was in no mood to share his joke. It wasn't a joke. "Now, take me to Olympus."

Hermes choked and gasped, "Fine! But Hades will hear of this."

Thanatos cocked his head. "Let him. His punishment is merely a decorative stunt to make me look deadlier."

"I won't be so sure about that anymore."

And for a moment, Thanatos almost agreed.

All because of one Death.



Thanatos stood at the grand golden doors of Olympus. The doors were massive enough to conquer the entire mortal world, if it would ever have the chance to be some sort of deity or puppet. Holding the proud doors of Olympus were twin pillars wrestled with vines filled with an aromatic essence of a life. The whole place practically breathed of existence, something he didn't have.

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