21] so you have a Chris too?

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A/N: I really love this chapter I hope you will too!

Elyza and I were standing in the middle of the road by her bike she retrieved, from a little ways down. It's a little scratched up, from her acrobatic jump while she was chasing me and Skai, but still sexy as fuck.

Elyza is leaning against the bike, with her arms crossed, looking at me. Even though we are having a little disagreement at the moment, I can't stop thinking about how fucking hot she looks right now. Damn her.

"I changed my mind Elyza, I'm allowed to do that you know!" I tell her.

The rest of the group is waiting on me by the truck, everyone but my mom doing their best not to look our way, or listen.

"Hodnes." She says in way that means, we are done talking about this.

Elyza wants us to start heading to the farm, so we can get there before dark. She says she can catch up to us before we get there, after she takes care of Skai.

I'm having second thoughts about being apart, but she is sticking to the idea of me going with my family. Something about being in an armoured military vehicle or another. I really wasn't paying that much attention, she was straddling her bike at the time..and the words tumbling out of her mouth kinda just didn't seem that important.

But I got the gist of it. And I have changed my mind. I want to go with her. I just have to get her to give in.

I reach out and pull her by her belt loop into my arms. I kiss her lightly on the side of the mouth, and whisper in a soft and slightly pleading tone "Pleeease" with a half smile.

I can hear her exhale through her nose in defeat. Did I just win? Holy shit. No way.

She leans in next to my ear while positioning her thigh in between my legs. "Alright Hodnes.. you can come with me." I have to fight the urge to rock my hips against her strong thigh, because my whole family is standing 30 feet away.

Oh man. Is she serious? I always wanted to have sex in the woods, but we can't do this now? Too risky, right? Oh fuck it! I'll let Elyza touch me whenever the fuck she wants!

She removes her thigh, and herself from my grasp and heads to the backpack she has set on the ground next to the bike. She pulls out 2 handguns, 5 knives, and some road flares.

She straps two of the knives to me, one to each side of my waist, and the rest of the weapons to herself. She nods at me to follow her over to where the rest are waiting.

She throws the backpack to Chris. "I left a few guns, some dynamite, and other goodies in there for you guys." As soon as Travis hears dynamite, he grabs the pack from Chris, who was at first too wide eyed to notice the bag slip from his hands. He scowls at his dad before crossing his arms.

Elyza slips something in Chris's pocket and gives him a wink. She looks to Travis "Just keep heading east, we should catch up, in the next couple of hours."

"We?" My mom asks.

Fuck. Can't she just be cool, for once!

"Yea mom, I'm going to go with her." I look over to Elyza for help, but she walked over to Daniel and started talking to him. Coward.

"No. You are coming with us." She demands.

"Mom. Stop. I'm going to go with Elyza. I'm going to be fine. We wont be long and will catch up before you even make it to the farm."

I'm staring at her, trying to hold my ground. Please don't make a scene mom. Just walk away. Please!

"Fine." She says through gritted teeth. Then she walks away.

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