
401 33 12

I don't understand why people aren't obsessing over Kevin's outside projects like they would if were any of the other members. Like Triptyq, for example: I understand that you might not like their music type but I bet you, if Scott or Mitch got into a classical-urban trio or something, the fandom would go crazy and absolutely love their music type because Scott or Mitch is in it. Triptyq existed since 2011. Didn't know that? What a surprise. Kevin gets zero recognition and sometimes, I think the fandom are actually kind of ignoring him, they barely ever make him any edits or fanart as much as they do for the other members. Mitch dyed his hair, the fandom went insane. Kevin did a collab with two extraordinary musicians AND released his own EP AND has an amazing cello-beatboxing talent that basically nobody else has and what does he get from the fandom? "It's not my music type". Just... Think about it, okay?

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