Shield academy

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       It was super awkward in the car.
       I had so many questions I could barely stay still in my seat. But every time I tried to ask something I found myself speechless. I don't know what was happening.
" what's the matter kid? Cat got your tong?" Sam chuckled. I shook my head but kept quiet. I felt like a child. How could I be so shy?
   " sorry. Driver, could you go any faster please?!" Yelled Jemma. She couldn't keep still. Apparently this 'Taylor' really wasn't to be trusted with dangerous chemicals.
" there's no hurry Jemma. Calm down. " Sam tried to comfort.
" I don't like going around getting new recruits. Why couldn't someone else do it for me?" Jemma wined. Sam just smiled patiently. She was quite mature for her age. She looks and sounds like someone you could trust with your life. I had the urge to impress her. Like a little kid would want to impress their older sibling.
" because you know you have to help out on at least one of these expeditions a year. And this is only your first. There will be plenty more coming your way. " she concluded.
     So this was also Jemma's firs year.
Jemma sighed and laid back. Apparently giving up her fight. The sparkles on her shirt collar reflected light right into my eyes. I squinted and tried to move. She immediately noticed and sat upright, letting me see clearly again.
"Sorry." She said. There was a pause. " oh gosh. I've been so rude,"  she exclaimed. "please forgive me. Let's start over shall we? I'm Jemma Simmons. Biochem. 16 years old. " she held out her hand smiling sweetly. I shook it hesitantly. She suddenly changed from a snappy, grumpy teenager to a sweet and lovable teddy bear. Her eyes changed as well. From stone hard to warm and comforting. From then on I promise never to judge anyone from first impressions ever again.
    Something about her change of mood also made it easier for me to ask the questions I so very wanted out of my head.
" so.... Why me? Why now. And how did you find me. Im Always moving. How do you know il be cut out for the job, when-" I was interrupted by Sam and Jemma laughing.
" don't worry kid" Sam laughed
" they'll tell you everything at the academy. Look." Jemma pointed out the window. "there it is now."
     The car slowed to a stop in front of a large grey building. Tall and full of windows glistening in the little light that shone through the thick clouds. My eyes widened to their limit as I nearly- embarrassingly- squished my face against the car window.
     I have sometimes thought about this place. Not often enough to encourage myself to go through the front doors but I've thought about it. Every nerds dream is to be able to get excepted into 'the academy'. But it was only a dream I was always too scared to actually achieve.
" would you like to stare at it from in here or do you wanna go up and have a look inside?" Said Sam. I didn't even noticed they got out the car.
" yeah. Just coming " I say as I shimmy myself over to the open car door.
" follow me. " Sam said, gesturing her hand towards the mesmerising yet simple building.
   As I walked in I held onto the straps of my backpack and looked up at the high ceiling. I turned in circles on the spot until I heard girls on my right giggling. I looked at them and they walked swiftly past still giggling at me. Great. I thought to myself. Already making a bad impression on the hot girls.
"Hey! Over here kid!" Called Sam's voice from the office desk. She was leaning over the desk talking to lady behind it. They were laughing at something unknown.
" Leo, this is Amanda. She will be showing you around the science and technical department. I have to run to training." She smiled and walked by me. " I have heard lots about you. We could use someone like you here. I do hope you stay. " and with that she walked away towards the training area for the future field agents.
    She heard lots about me? How is that possible? I'm almost a nobody.
" so... Leopold is it?" Asked Amanda gets g up from her spiny chair.
" um. Yeah but people just call me Leo." I say as I follow her into the elevator. " so how did you know about me? I mean. I'm almost always moving and I didn't really think anyone was really paying attention to me. " I asked as soon as the doors of the elevator smoothly slid shut. Amanda smiled.
" well we need new recruits and not everyone makes the cut. So we started thinking. 'There's probably lots of kids/teens out there that probably have a chance of making it here but are to afraid to or don't think they can. So we send agents to monitor the schools. Have you ever notices an over curious janitor or a suspiciously chatty lunch lady. Or the occasional supply teacher that you have never seen before in the school?"
  I nodded. It had never dawned on me but there were some occasions where I felt strange around teachers. Like they were testing me in some sort of way. But they were rare so I just let it pass over my head.
    The doors opened revealing endless grey corridors. I smiled a little when I noticed the equation graffiti written on the wall were made by the students. As we walked past the many wavy corridors, we passed a group of teens that looked like they were in a heated discussion against the wall. Two of them had pencils and frantically writing on the wall to show their argument.
" see Jim!" Said one of the girls with the pencil. " you're blind?" She continued.
" Rebecca. " said the other guy with the pencil calmly. " you forgot to carry the 4" he said. His friends sniggered. The girl growled and left with her friends, revealing her mathematics on the wall. It looked amazing. Even if I didn't know what the argument was about it was like a mathematical art piece.
   I think I'm gonna like this place. It's like nerd heaven. I walked on. Almost losing sight of Amanda.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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