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"Hey y/n!" Sean cheered as he enterd my appartment. "Hey Sean" i replied, giving him a small smile as he put his arms around me.

"Missed you" I smiled softly into his shirt.

To be honest, I really did miss him, like a lot.

Cause you like him dumbass.

"Stop calling yourself a dumbass" Sean let go of me, looking at my strangely.

Now you've exposed our secret.

"He already knew"

He soon made an 'O' shape with his mouth.

"Anyway, what's up for today?" I said, inviting him into my house.

"Well, I was actually planning on going to watch a movie, I asked Mark but he's being lazy and wanted to sleep"

"Didn't you just get back? And where did you find the money to get into the movie theatres? And I want to join"

"Well, yes, and I didn't, and okay, also, we could always rent one and watch it here? Marks asleep on the couch and we don't have a DVD player" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "okay, meet me back here at like, 9 or something" he nodded, his bags still in his hands, he soon exited my apartment, leaving me once again, in silence.






This is your chance to get some action.


You know like, kissy kissy, cuddle cuddle, all the shit you're not good with.

"Hey, I can be rom-romanic"

You even stutter with the word.

"Fuck off"

So are you going to try?


Better take a shower, it's been like four days and you're honestly starting to look disgusting.

"Way to boost my confidence"

I was right, or, she was right.

I probably should shower. That hole Sean getting shot thing really stressed me out and the bullet wound really hurts. Don't know if it will help cleaning it or what but hey, it's worth a try.


My number one concern right now if Sean seeing the gauze around my stomach and seeing the bullet wound.

"What happened?!"

"Well, uh"


"I kind mugged and shot"

Really believable.

I glanced at the clock, 8:45pm, store closes at nine, fifteen minutes to get there.

I grabbed my jacket and headphones, shoving my phone and hands into my pockets and familiar tunes play in my ears.

I enter the store, running my hands over the movies.

You're a college student, you shouldn't be spending money on movies and popcorn.

"I'll figure out the money situation after"

Finally my hand stopped at a movie of my personal favourites: Jurassic World.

I grabbed a box of popcorn and the movie, making my way up the the cashier and placing my items down for him to scan.

"Pretty lady like you shouldn't be out this late" I didn't reply.

You're the kind of people who add to the reason why we shouldn't be out.

I just moved a stray hair out of my eyes, watching the price raise after he scanned my items.

"10.56$" I handed him a ten and five dollar bill. (I live in Canada so I'm just going off our currency, I don't know if it's different in other places or not)

"Thank you" I spoke quietly, leaving the store. The cashier had a weird oder coming off of him, I really felt uneasy in there.

I returned to my apartment around ten after; Sean was sitting on the couch.

"Welcome" he said, laughing as I opened the door.

"What movie did you get?" He rushed over like an excited little kid.

"Jurassic World" "haven't seen it yet" "seriously?" "Yeah"

"Well you pop the popcorn and I'll get the movie set up. He smiled and nodded.


The movie started and the smell of popcorn filled up my apartment.

Sean and I sat on opposite sides of the couch, but the gap between us slowly began to close.

Around 30 minutes into the movie we were sitting right next to each other, I'm guessing he took notice as he kept his eyes on my side of the room.

I just pretended I didn't notice and continued to watch the movie.

He decided to do a cliché thing with the yawning and stretching, putting his arms behind me to somehow pull me closer.

But hey, I'm not complaining.

I rested my head on his shoulders a shifted my body for to the right.
I was a little uncomfortable but I didn't care, I was with him.

He took his right arm under my legs and made me rest them on top of his.

I wasn't even focused on the movie anymore, my mind was being interrupted by all that was happening.

It may not seem like a lot but frankly, this has never happened to me.

I rested my left arm on his chest, feeling his heart beat as I shifted to get more comfortable.

He looked down at me, I tried to act as if nothing was happening but once I felt his hand under my chin, forcing my face up so he could place his lips on mine, I had to pay attention to him.

What was going on?

This is happening quick.

This is my first kiss.

Let my process Sean.

I can't breathe.

What do I do?!

I can't breathe.

My breathing became heavy.

My ears rung.


Not now anxiety.

I began to shake.

I don't feel comfortable anymore.

I like him. I obviously like him. Why am I like this?


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