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I held my camera close to my chest until I realized that I got his okay for this.

I held my finger over the button to take the picture when I heard a beeping noise coming from his watch.

"Oh no, I must leave. I'm terribly sorry!" He ran off again as he flashed a smile. "Wait!" I yelled, but he was already gone.

So I began walking home, a little sad that I couldn't get the picture but oh well.

Time skip

I couldn't get that man out of my head; I wanted to meet him again, even though it was probably just a mistake we ran into each other again, I couldn't help but want to know more about him; about this, mysterious man.

His green hair really stood out to me. It's not often you see a man with green hair, and normally it wouldn't look right but it seemed to suit him.

Why green? Why not blue, or red or something? Many questions ran through my mind. Is he a scientist? Why the lab coat in public? Why was he in such hurry? Many questions that probably wouldn't be answered.

I decided to try to ignore it but it wouldn't work. Why was he at the cliff? Is he a collage student? He looks young.

I was flooding my mind with questions. Why haven't I seen him around before? Is he a tourist? Was he born here? Dose he live here? I needed to stop asking myself so many questions.

Then came the one question I've been wondering since I saw him running down the street; will I see him again?

I was hoping the answer would be yes; I want to know more about him, I guess you could say I was fascinated by him.

Remembering what he looked like, his baby blue eyes that could put anyone into a trance; they were kind, gentle, sinister and sad all put together.

His smile that seemed stunning and devious. What was this man hiding?

I decided that it was time to put all my thoughts aside; we probably won't even meet again.

I placed my camera down on my bedside desk; I mean, Polaroids are out of date but frankly I love them.

It was getting late, or early, whatever. It was 3am and I needed to get up for class in the morning, I needed sleep; but how was I suppose to sleep when all I could think about is the scientist? I didn't even catch his name.

Stop it y/n, you need sleep, I scolded myself.

You need to wake up at 6! That's only three hours! How many people are you going to tell off today due to the lack of sleep? The second voice in my head spoke.

My parents always told me I was schizophrenic even though I was never properly tested.

There is a second voice in my head, claiming that it's an older version of me; that's what my parents blame for my "special talent" indicating my IQ.

It's kind of like the left brain right brain situation; I'm the right brain and she's the left.

"Yeah yeah I know" I spoke to myself. She's also the person I blame for me being attracted to people older than me instead of my own age.

You really need to stop staying up so late at night, especially now that your in university, let me correct myself, especially now that you need to prove yourself to your teachers that you're fully callable of doing university level work.

"I got it"

I'm glad I live alone, people would think I'm crazy for talking to myself so much.

After a little bit of talking I finally gave in, shutting my lamp off and getting in bed.

I wonder if I'll meet him again?


"Okay sorry"

Time Machine ♚ JacksepticeyeWhere stories live. Discover now