F o u r

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"Why did you come to see me?", I choked out, confused as fuck. I mean, we weren't friends, together or whatever else. I barely thought of him as an acquaintance but yet he came to see me.

"I was just bored and you were the only person that I knew was up", he smirked. Cheeky boy.

"Okay. Not strange at all" I said looking the other way and back at him,"By the way shitface, how did you get my number? I never gave it to you"

"A true master never reveals his secrets" he said with a sly grin on his face. A grin of pure bullshit.

"You got it when I went to the bathroom, didn't you?" I deadpanned knowingly.

"Carajo" he cursed, turning his head," I mean no", he said hesitant. I laughed and stepped out of his grip.

"Whatever. You should get out soon. My mom would chase you out the door with a broom and lock me in my room for months if she found out some guy was in my room with the door closed. You should see what she does when the door is locked", I said raising an eyebrow.

Who could forget?

Once upon a time, my mother was so livid about me locking my door and not letting her in that she did something with a hammer which involved making a hole so she could unlock the door.

I know. She's insane.

"What did she do?", he said looking at some of the old pictures on my wall.

"Well, let's just say that I'm still trying to cover the hole in my door"

"What hole?"

"Well, shit. I guess I did a good job", I said sitting on my bed and turning on the tv. He came and sat on the floor between my legs. In habit, I started playing with his hair then I realised what I was doing. He laid his head back onto my crotch and I froze. His head is a little to close to my strawberries and I'm getting uncomfortable as fuck.

I let my hands rest on his neck and he looked up at me. I looked down, confused.

"What?" I said almost in a whisper.

"Keep going. It feels good" he said returning his eyes back to the tv. I kept running my hands through his hair. His dark brown locks covered my short fingers," You know, you're really good at this for some reason" he said looking up at me once again.

"Thanks, I guess"

"And you're cute when you don't know what to say"

"Thanks again, I guess"

"Back at it again, princessa" he said comfortably placing his arm on my leg and wrapping his hand under. I felt him starting rubbing circles on the side of my thigh with his thumb. I actually didn't wan't to castrate him for doing this. It felt normal and as if we'd known eachother forever. He just has a habit of making me feel good and I didn't want to stop.

Pillow Talk by Zayn started obnoxiously playing and I knew it was time to get up. I love the song, I really do but geez. It gets kind of annoying after a while. I rolled over on my back and had a recap of last night:

After a while of watching TV, I had gotten tired and layed back. Kai joined and wrapped his arm around me. I guess I was too 'out of it' to oblige. He fell asleep with me. And I kind of remember him kissing me on the forehead and tucking me in before leaving around an hour later.

In a way I'm kind of happy that he left before I woke up because I would have to kick him out and I wouldn't want to. Kai is actually good company sometimes and I'd like to keep it that way. Aside from being an arrogant, egotistical jerk, Kai might actually have...a heart. I know, I know. Strange.

I jumped into the shower (not literally, dumbass) and washed my body, dangerously scrubbing my life away. I stepped out and dried off before doing my business.

I just threw on a random outfit that consisted of a white Thrasher shirt and Champion joggers.

I just threw on a random outfit that consisted of a white Thrasher shirt and Champion joggers

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I grabbed my phone and my purse before heading downstairs where my mom greeted me.

"Hey Brookie, how you holdin' up babe" she said.

"I'm fine, mom. I'm always fine", I lied partly. I had moved on but I was still hurt by his actions. He could of simply just broke up with me but he cheated.

"You don't sound like your fine"she said as if she knew what was going on in my brain. It's freaky how moms have the power to creep into your thoughts," It's okay if you're not fine. Things'll get better, Brooke" she said continuing to wash the dishes.

"Thanks", I fought to get out that one syllable in fear that I would cry and draw more attention myself. I grabbed my purse and headed outside to Quinn's car,"Bye, Mom. Love you" I closed the door.

I walked fast to Quinn's car and got in. She looked at me like she knew something was up. Her face saddened,"What's wrong, B?", she said pulling me into her arms.

Tears that no longer could be held. Tears not even the strongest could hold. Tears of one who thought she could fight it all poured into a river.

My arms wrapped around her lower back and I sobbed my heart away,"It hurts" I choked out.

"Post breakup is hard, babe. You've got to pull through. He isn't even worth your tears", she said pulling me back to look at her,"You'll be fine. I know you will" she smiled at me and I weakly smiled at her.

"Thanks. You know you're like greatest best friend ever"

"I know I am" she said and started the car. Great thing she wore a black shirt today or else I would have fucked it up,"We better get going or else I'm going to have detention and I really don't want to hear Mrs. Duvall's fucking mouth" she stepped on the gas, sending us off towards traffic.

Heyo heyo. Hope you're liking the new story. Also, be a good glittercorn and


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