Chapter One

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I've been stuck in this cold, stone prison for months. I was a rebel fighting in the Resistance with Leia, but on a mission to invade the First Order's headquarters, things went south and I was taken hostage because I have vital information that they need.

Everyday, I am given food and water. Everyday, I am taken from this prison cell with a blindfold obscuring my vision as I am taken to a room where I am interrogated by an unknown person. Most likely a storm trooper. And everyday, I refuse to cooperate. I refuse to betray the Resistance and be the cause of their downfall.

I think today is my last day. The person questioning me knows I won't give out the information they need. And I think they plan to execute me.

"Stop it! Get off of me!" I demand as two storm troopers drag me back to my cell. I jerk my wrists in vain as I try to escape from their grip, but it's fruitless.

They stop in place suddenly, and soon I'm thrown from their hold, and my body hits the familiar ground I recognize as my cell.

"This'll be the last time we deal with her," I hear one of the storm troopers say. The door behind me slams, and I'm left alone as I hear their muffled voices drift farther and farther away from me.

I shift myself into a sitting position and I back myself against a wall in the confined space.

I search frantically for a nail, a pick, anything, that can unbind me. All of a sudden, the door opens, and I can see a crack of light from underneath the blindfold. And just as soon as it leaves, the darkness soon rushes back as the door closes again.

"Hello? Who's there?" I demand. No one answers.

"Let me go," I scream as I try to peer through the darkness. But I can't see. I've been blindfolded, and my hands are bound by cuffs that rub against my wrists painfully. I continue to yell until I lose hope and slide down onto the cold floor.

Footsteps emerge from a corner of the room, and they make my breathing grow heavy.

Then, the figure speaks.

"I'm afraid you won't be leaving anytime soon," a robotic voice says.

It then walks over to me with heavy steps. The person then leans into my ear and says to me, "Well, just maybe not in quite the way that you'd expect."

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