Chapter 2

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Some random street in random California


~nobody's pov~

Sam and Dean have been driving around town for hours, Sam is asleep in the passenger seat when Dean suddenly reaches over and shakes Sam awake, "Hey, Sammy wake up I think we found the place." Dean says, and pulls the car into an empty parking space near the front entrance of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and they both step out of the car "It looks different than in the news paper." Dean states "Yeah I forgot to show you but I found another news paper article, turns out that they got some of their other establishments and combined them into one, probably to make more money." Sam explains Dean nods "Yeah that's a great idea, lets combine all the accident inducing establishments into one big place for kids" Dean states sarcastically as they walk into the building.

  (A/N: I made a map of the place that's at the top of the chapter )

As they walk in they're surrounded with the screeches and screams of delighted children, an overwhelming smell of pizza, and bright lights, swarms of children and their parents started leaving till all was left were a few stragglers getting last minute prizes, tickets and late night scares, as Sam and Dean looked around they noticed a few people in uniforms cleaning up and talking amongst themselves, Dean started wondering off using his emf .

(A/N: is that what his strange remote thing is called)

Sam was looking around for any signs of paranormal beings while checking out the building when some one taps on his shoulder, it was so soft he almost didn't realize that it happened.

Sam turned around to find a girl maybe 15 or 16 wearing skinny jeans, light blue vans, a blue t-shirt and a gray tv static patterned jacket, she had brown eyes with freckles trailing under them, her hair he couldn't decide if it was black or dark brown was a pixie cut with bangs almost concealing her right eye, she was skinny not starving skinny but...very thin that one would be a bit concerned.

"S-sorry sir b-but its closing for the night I haft to a-ask you to leave" she stuttered "Oh, sorry I didn't realize that...uh do you work here?" Sam questioned, the girl nods "Yes, wait! No, ugh dang it! what I mean is I do work hear but I'm currently off duty." She replied nervously "Oh so do you mind if I ask some questions about the place?" Sam asks the girl appears to get flustered and messes with the hem of her shirt "It kinda d-depends on w-what th-the questions are." She answers "Well I was wondering if any one figured out what happened to the missing kids." Sam replied the girls eyes widen in fear "I-I c-c can't answer t-that you need to leave i-if you really n-need answers p-pleas come back w-when we are opened" She franticly stutters and rushes away.

 Sam walks up the to the front doors and meets Dean "Find anything?" Dean asks "I don't know I tried to ask about the missing children and all I got was a request to come back and a frightened employee." Sam replies ''What about you?" Sam questions "Well defiantly getting readings off of all the animatronics I didn't get to thoroughly check because I can't get close enough without freaking out the employees" Dean states as they walk out "Well we can come back tomorrow morning and try to ask some questions" Sam reassures when Dean started laughing Sam gives him a look say what did you do "Did you see the guy that has a phone on his head" Dean chuckles "Its so freaking weird" Sam shakes his head and chuckles "No I didn't, that sounds pretty weird." Sam replies,

(A/N: guess who they were talking about lol)  

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