" High "

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I soon myself being pushed into my bedroom and grabbed by the hand. Ugh Amber I honestly don't have anything to wear I lied.
Awe you can't play that card with me rose I've been here thousands of times and I probably come in your wardrobe way more times then you do babes. I felt my nose crinkle at the mention of my nickname.
I watched as my best friend calmly strode into my wardrobe  and whispered small oohs and ahhs as she saw something she liked. I looked down and played with the sleeves of my favourite worn out cardigan. " ROSE COME OVER HERE!!"
Looking up at a very pleased Amber as she held up probably one of my many favourite party, or event wear. I gasped and covered my face, smiling like an idiot.
See I told you I would find you something babes, tapping my chest she whispered " I know you" . I carefully grabbed the the beautiful black, knee length dress securely sealed in a clear garment bag. I know I probably seem like I'm bragging right? Well I honestly don't know what else to say. I'm an only child with two parents who feel the need to buy me unnecessary things every chance they get.
I strode into the bathroom beside my very disorganised vanity. Closing the door behind me making sure the lock clicked into place. I caught a glimpse of myself and sighed a slight frown pulling at my lips. To be honest I was never confident in myself. I always tried to compare myself to every girl I saw. I carefully slipped on the beautiful dress twirling around a tad. I curled my hair and applied small amounts of makeup. Quietly opening the door my eyes met my best friend looking over her outfit smiling. You look amazing Amber. She turned around and smiled and then squealed. Oh my fu*king God babes you look gorgeous. Awe Amber thank you I smiled you look lovely like always I said smiling softly. Ready for this party? T-totally I lied . I wish I knew what I was in for by giving in.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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