Chapter 2: Hospital?

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Boomers POV

I Was Home Alone Tonight And The Blade Was Tempting Me, I Was Trying To Try Not To But I Am Home Alone So Why Not Just A Few? With That Thought I Grabbed The Blade Off The Sink And Slashed My Skin.

And 6 But This Time I Cut Too Deep, I Was Feeling Woozy And I Heard The Front Door Open But Everything Went Black Right After I Heard My Name Being Shouted

Bricks POV

Me and Butch walked in the front door but the house was quiet, too quiet and it was only 4:00 PM so we both ran up the stairs to Boomer's room in a rush then we walked into his bathroom and to my horror my baby brother was laying on the ground bleeding out

Butch called an ambulance while i ran over and picked him up trying not cry as soon as the ambulance got her I rushed him in but they said I couldn't get in with him so I jumped in my red truck with Butch's green truck behind me and as I was driving all I could think about was Boomer

--le time skip--

We ran into the hospital and I ran up to the desk

"Boomer Jojo please?" I asked franticly

"Sorry he's still in surgery please sit sir" she said with a smile

Me and Butch sat waiting only hoping that Boomer would be okay

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