Fourteen - Home

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"Ugh... where am I?" Aphmau said while rubbing her aching head.

Then it hit her.

She remembered everything.

"Laurance? Zane? Shadow? Perki?"she asked, looking around.

Hearing her name, Perki flew down, perching on Aphmau's shoulder.

Perki nuzzled Aphmau fiercely, as if to say, DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?

"Aww... I love you too." Aphmau said as Perki's soft crest was fiercely pushed up into Aphmau's neck.

Aphmau was extremely happy. It was only a two-hour walk to the gates of Phoenix Drop, and she remembered every... one...

"OH MY IRENE I FORGOT!" Aphmau said as she remembered Levin... and Malachi... and everyone else who must be worried about her.

Aphmau got up, wrote a note, and went to Phoenix Drop.


Zane returned to camp after gathering wood for the fire. Upon arriving, the first thing he noticed was that Aphmau was missing.

On the mat she had been lying on, Zane found a note:


I went to Phoenix Drop to let everyone know not to worry.

Thx \(+ω+)/

Attached to the note was a small, handmade pendant, shaped from white clay and engraved on the back with the words:

For being my star,
With love and thanks,


Zane didn't know what to say. This white star was so nice, so... kind.

He had to see Aphmau.

One last time.


"Is Levin there? I n-need to see him." Aphmau feebly said at the gates of Phoenix Drop. Dante looked down, astonished, then immediately ran down and opened the gates, only to stare at Aphmau.

Her flower crown was missing, her dress was dirty and tattered. Her hair still flowed perfectly, and a beautiful lilac bird was perched on her shoulder, nuzzling Aphmau like the world. Dante couldn't believe it was actually her... and even more worrying, how would Cadenza react to the tattered dress?

"Aphmau... i-is t-that r-real-really y-you? I... I-I d-don't believe it... what h-happened to you? Are you okay?" Dante asked, tripping over every word.

"I'm fine, and I remember everything. So I left our camp to come here and make sure that nobody worried. Can I... see Levin and Malachi?" Aphmau said.

"Of course." Dante said. Leading Aphmau through Phoenix Drop, he first asked Donna for a clean dress.

After nearly suffocating Aphmau, Donna agreed and gave Aphmau a good, clean, dress. Dante then escorted Aphmau to Levin's home. Malachi answered the door.

"Dante-- what? M-m-mom... " Malachi said. Levin got up, and upon seeing Aphmau, started spluttering and stuttering before giving up and just hugging Aphmau. Malachi joined in as Aphmau hugged back. They hugged like this for about a minute until Levin pushed away, remembering to be lordly.

"I'm glad you're okay... please tell me... what happened?" He said, looking down at the ground.

"Well, why don't we call in everyone who was worried so that they all know I'm okay?" Aphmau suggested.

"Of course!" Malachi said.


After the meeting, Aphmau was mobbed by so many hugs and yells that Perki flew to the treetops to take shelter.

Tears were streaming.

Katelyn was screaming.

Everyone was overjoyed that Aphmau was back, safe and sound.


Zane didn't know why he felt these... feelings. He just knew that he needed to see Aphmau one last time, to make sure she got back to Phoenix Drop okay.

Like a raven at night, he slipped through the wall's secret entry into Phoenix Drop. He dashed from shadow to shadow unnoticed, with Shadow flying just overhead. Zane made it to the portal, and after checking to see that nobody was there, ran through it.

After his stomach and other internal organs caught up with him, he darted towards the trees. Once in the forest, he heard an odd sound, like a sword hitting wood.

Curious, Zane ran towards the sound, and seeing Aaron, froze. He wanted to apologize, but was this the right time?

He didn't have to do anything.

Sensing a presence behind him, Aaron turned and charged Zane pinning him to a tree with one arm while holding his sword to Zane's throat with the other.

"Where is she?!" Aaron asked, his sword cutting into Zane's skin. A thin trickle of blood ran, trembling, down Zane's neck as Aaron applied pressure.

"I could ask you the same thing." Zane said through gritted teeth as he tried to hide his pain.

Shadow, sensing that Zane was in trouble, dived at Aaron, cawing madly. His talons raked Aaron's hood, but Aaron recoiled, accidentally smacking Shadow with his head.

He didn't care, though. All he wanted was for Zane to answer his question.

"Where is she?!"
Sorry to leave y'all at such a cliffhanger. Either way, hope y'all enjoyed!


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