Chapter 7

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The thought of me unaliving someone disturbed me to the point of me deciding not to patrol tonight and to instead, fix the webslingers that I should have already fixed.

I lost track of time and when I looked at the clock from my new electric webs, it was 1:28am. I almost had a heart attack because I realized that I had a project that I was supposed to be doing, that was due tomor- today?!? Crap.

As I got the supplies ready for the English project, I wondered if the teacher would accept the fact that I was grieving for my boyfriend as an excuse for it not to be done. Probably not, knowing my teacher. Although I may be able to get out of too much trouble because Principle Coulson is a SHIELD agent.

While I was doing my voice recording of the essay that I had to do, because it was either this or reading it in front of the class, I started wondering where was I going to live. I know that Wade paid the landlady in blood money, but there was no way that I was going to kill people for money.

Of course, Wade had left all of his money to me, as he had no living relatives, but I was going to put that into the bank because it just covers university fees and housing. I guess that's where I'll be living in 2 years time, but until then I would have to get a job.

As I finished up my project and my mini existential crisis I figured that there were two places where I was pretty much guaranteed a job that I would like, Stark Industries and Oscorps. Norman Osborn is the father of one of my childhood best friends and Tony Stark knows me from the Super hero community.

Both jobs would pay very well and both would require my talents in science. I decided that I would send in a resume to both and see what jobs they have to offer. In the meantime, it was 3:24am and I had to be up for school at 6:30 so if I wanted any sleep, I would have to sleep now.
When I woke up, I felt like I had tiny construction workers doing renovations on my brain. I couldn't think straight and I couldn't even see straight. I forced myself to get up and get ready, even though I would probably just going home sick anyway.

As I rushed into the school yard, I saw my friends- yes, I have friends other than MJ, don't act so surprised- waiting for me. As I walk up, I try to act normal but immediately, Danny sees that I'm not feeling very good.

I shrug off their questions and walk inside. I just need a little time for the little people in my head to finish their renovations and I'll be fine. Right?

HOLY SHIT, I'M ALIVE. ok, now that I have that out of my system, I'm sorry for the month-long hiatus but an entrepreneurial project that I just finished today was kicking my ass. Also sorry for the last cliff hanger, and for this one, I just couldn't find the right way to end the chapter. I'm probably not going to keep up with the chapter names (sorry) because I can't ever seem to find the right one and always have to ask a friend. I'm honestly sorry that I hadn't updated since March 4th ish but I haven't had very much motivation to do much of anything. I hope to have the next part up soon, but I don't know when my next day off from school is. Anyway, I hope that you aren't too mad at me. Bye!!

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