10 - Rivals

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I'm so inactive why do you guys like me


"You're not the only kid genius here anymore," Tadashi chuckled as his younger brother entered the nerd lab.

"Shuddup," I mumbled before rolling my eyes and returning to the prototype I was working on, not even bothering to introduce myself to the legendary Hiro Hamada.

"She'll warm up to you," I heard Honey Lemon say as the rest of the group went to join Tadashi in welcoming his brother to the school.

"Will not!" I called over my shoulder.

"What's her problem?" I heard Hiro grumble under his breath, and his question was only returned with unsure mumbling as a response from the rest of the group. Tired of hearing my friends talk about me behind my back, I groaned and walked out of the lab, bringing an armful of blueprints along with me. I brought them into my personal lab and threw them all onto my desk, grumbling as I closed the door, making sure to tint my windows so nobody could look in.

Unrolling one of the blueprints, I began to make measurement plans and sketching them out on a piece of wood to cut out later so I could assemble the prototype. I heard the knob of my lab door turn as the door was silently pushed open.

"Tadashi's lab is that way," I said harshly without looking up from what I was doing, pointing at the wall that I shared with Tadashi's lab.

"I know where my lab is, (Y/N)," Tadashi pointed out.

"Then why are you here?" I sang in an annoyed tone.

"Because you won't welcome my brother, that's why," Tadashi replied, somehow keeping his voice at a calm tone.

"Maybe I don't like him, ever think about that!" I countered, spinning around to glare at him.

"Look, (Y/N), I understand it must be tough for you to have a little bit of competition-" Tadashi began, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

"Save it, Hamada, I don't want to hear it," I said, looking away from him.

"You are impossible!" Tadashi laughed in frustration, "This is my brother you're talking about, and he's a little bit upset that you're treating him l-like rubbish because you don't want to share your spot as the child prodigy!" He argued, using extravagant hand gestures to prove his point.

"Leave my lab right now, Hamada!" I demanded, pointing at the door, a look of utter anger blazing on my face. A mix of emotions ran across his face before he decided on a look of disappointment and walked out of the room. I realized I might have been a little too harsh, but the deed was done. Sighing, I walked across my now vacant lab and closed the door behind him. I felt a rush of frustration at myself , and I proceeded to throw my pencil across the room.


"Last year of college!" I cried for joy as I walked into SFIT for my last first day of school. I stopped by my lab to grab some things before rushing to my first class in full stride. Today was going well, and nothing could break my good mood... or at least, that's what I thought, until I entered the class to come face to face with Hiro Hamada.

"Is it too late to switch classes?" Hiro called across the room to the teacher after his first look of me entering the class.

"Hey, let me switch classes, not him!" I protested.

"I asked first! Plus she's the one who doesn't deserve a class switch!" Hiro argued, and the whole class groaned.

"You guys have been fighting since freshman year, just suck it up for one more year and be quiet! If anyone gets to switch classes, it's the rest of us that have to put up with your childish nonsense!" Somebody yelled, and a chorus of 'yeahs' followed shortly after. I angrily grumbled as I found my way to an empty desk, setting my things down on top of it. The teacher just sighed before getting up to take attendance. I sent one last glare in Hiro's direction. Even though this was only the first period, I knew this was going to be a long last year of college.

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