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~~*Your POV*~~

Huh whats going on? Where am I? Aren't I supposed to be dead? 

Questions keep filling my mind. 

There was a dark flash and I saw my mom Irene and my Dad the Shadow Lord. 

"Hello Mom Dad?" I asked if anyone was there i saw needles injecting me with poison , this is not poison I've felt this before. It's something that amplifies your powers. I felt the most pain in my life I started screaming from all the pain . This hurt like the nether , but worse. I woke up i felt like I was suffocating. I was in a box a wood box. Is this my funeral? I started banging on the wood , everything still hurt I was crying from the pain. Someone opened the box I don't know who. I stood up and started coughing out blood. 

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" At this point I was on the ground laying on my knees hands on my ears repeating make it stop there was ringing in my ears I was still bleeding. I was still crying. Ive never felt this pain before. 

"ZOEY! LUCINDA! ALL MAGICKS USERS!" Aphmau was shouting 

I stood up and uncovered my ears. They were bleeding. My hands were trembling. 

"Mom? Dad? Did you do this to me?" I asked before everything went dizzy i fell on my knees and passed out. 

~~*Aphmau POV*~~ 

There was pounding on the coffin and i heard muffled crying. I opened the box and Sissy stood up and started coughing up blood. 

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" she was crying she keep on repeating that on her knees she was covering her ears too. 


She stood up uncovered her ears and looked at her hands they were covered with blood the last thing i heard her say was 

"Mom? Dad? Did you do this to me? She asked i don't know who , she fell on her knees and passed out.

At this point I was trembling, I picked her up with help of my guards and ran to my house. Laurence, Garroth , Dante , Aaron , and Travis followed me. 

~~*Your POV*~~

I woke up , in my dream world. My Mom and Dad were there. 

"Mommy? Daddy? I hugged my Dad , he was closest to me he taught me EVERYTHING before he turned evil." I hugged him then something went through my stomach and chest. It was a sword and an arrow. I coughed up blood. 

"Why? Why did you have to turn? I loved you, your the reason I'm emotionless why I CHOSE to have not have any emotions anymore." I said looking at my Dad 

"Now I see why they call you the Devil..." I said blacking out and waking up in the real word. I knew what ever happened to me in the dream world would actually hurt me in real life. It's happened before. 

I coughed up blood again. I was at least out for a day , or even a week. I stood up , i looked out the window. It was night. I went outside Aph's guest room and got a needle and thread. This is going to hurt isn't it? I pulled out the sword and set it down on the table carefully making sure nobody wakes up. I did the same with the arrow. 

I started stitching my chest up and my stomach. I've done this before In battle. Ugh , I don't want to talk about it. there was blood everywhere. At least the pain from earlier stopped. The bleeding didn't stop but at least It was still stitched up. I mopped the blood up and poured the bucket of bloody water out. Hopefully, just hopefully nobody will do anything to this village. I had a wyvern named Nightmare that can change into a Phoenix and Eagle. I found he/her in the nether. I walked out of the house and laid down on the beach and stained the sand red, its fine i thought. It was a blood moon so my fallen angel wings would come out. Black wings that signify my misery, red eyes signifying the sadness built within that i can't express. white hair to show the emptiness of my heart. My wings were larger , my eyes grew a brighter red and my hair was the whitest white there can every be. It must be because they amplified my powers hopefully both of them...

I couldn't sleep so I just sat there looking at the moon , the blood red moon. Reminds me of bad memories , promises i can't keep , and the ways i cried when i was sad . By the looks of it it looks like its about 5:30 something. Nightmare sitting down with me. The sand stained with blood, the water glistening in the moon light. Nobody can understand my pain, cause I can't even signify it. I have to keep my emotions bottled up. It's a curse that nobody cares enough to think to reverse. I remember the days kids would make fun of me because of emotions, i didn't care cause i didn't have any. I looked at my journal. The journal that let me express my emotions on paper that i can't in real life. My curse also keeps me away from love life. I can't love, not like a regular girl anyway. My eyes and hair and powers scare everyone away. I'm basically the only girl that doesn't care about anything. 

I look at Nightmare and s/he looks back. Everyone has to be awake by now. It's now about 7:00 wow I was really lost in thought. I felt 5 presences behind me. 4 boys and one girl. I knew who they were i just chose not to look. 

"y/n?" Aphmau said

"Yeah. Don't worry about the blood I'm fine." I said no emotion on my face. 

"Are you sure, i saw a bloody arrow and bloody sword in my basement." Aph said 

"Im perfectly fine. My powers just got amplified that all." I said 

"How?" Aaron asked

"While my funeral was going , i went to my dream world. I saw Dad and Mom and got injected with needles thats why I was crying and screaming in pain. Everything in there happens to me in real life" I said 

"Oh.." Aaron said 

"Before you guys ask anything else , I still have no emotions , note that, and Is it ok if i become a guard here?" I asked 

"Of course Sissy but why are you bleeding." Aph said 

"I went to my dream world again , I saw Dad and Mom again , I hugged Dad and I got stabbed by a sword and shot by a arrow , i woke up and stitched up the wounds and left the sword and arrow on the table, i also mopped up the blood." I said 

Everyone was just staring at me the whole village. Then I remembered i was in my fallen angel form

"I'm not going to hurt anyone. It was a blood moon last night. It should wear off soon." I said I stood up and walked off the docks. I walked down the passages to see Zane at the gate. 

"What do you want?" I said looking at Zane

"I want you." He said 

Why did i have to get married to a brat? 

"Of Course you did anyway you can't get in here." I said opening the gates. 

"Yeah I can!" He said walking in but was stopped by the barrier i put up before i 'died' 

"Sure hun keep trying." I said It was the strongest barrier in the world only i could take it down. 

Everyone was yelling at me. 

"Calm down only i could take the barrier down." I said 

"The people that are trust worthy can enter the ones that can't end up like that loser." I said pointing at Zane. 

"I will get you back for this." Zane said 

"Keep Trying" I said looking out at Zane 

"I'm going out be back." I said flying away.  

The Curse of No Emotion ~~ Aphmau/X reader FF ~~Where stories live. Discover now