How He Works

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I am a freshman in college and I commute to school. Because I live approximately 25 minutes away, I don't do a lot of on campus activities and don't have a lot of friends.

I learned more about myself in the first semester in college than my last few years. I learned how to be independent, be bold, and have time for myself (A LOT of time).

I'm not gonna lie, I was EXTREMELY lonely and as an ambivert it gets hard not to talk to anyone for the whole week. Sure I still had my youth and see them every Friday night and Sunday, but I felt like I didn't belong there; like I should be moving on or something.

I wanted to go to the weekly Christian college student nights, but I didn't know where to start. I was stuck, didn't know where they have it, when the meet, and it was hard for me to get out there especially since I wasn't feeling so good about my social life already.

First semester ended and I decided to get work study because I found out I had the money for it. I applied and got a wonderful position and started to open up within the first week of second semester. I had cooperative lab partners and joined a club. I started to have a social life at campus.

This past week, during a class of mine a classmate saw that I have this pin that is related to Christ. So, after class she and another classmate asked me if I want to go to that same weekly Christian college night I wanted but had not guts to go. I went that night and felt amazing!

God was working and in His perfect timing, He provided me a stronger connection to myself and to Him.

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