ZubicuXRussia (OC request)

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This is so gonna fail, I can't write with a straight face xD OK, I don't wanna do this, but it was requested so I have to xD It was requested with heavy romance. God. Help. Aaaand heavy romance warning xD


~Sasha (Wolfie) ~Zubicu~


Prussia comes to a halt in front of Zubicu. She rolls her eyes and looks at the ceiling as she reaches into the hat and draws out an item. A screw from a faucet pipe.

The look on her face was priceless. I burst out laughing, then quickly stopped when Russia gave me a glance as he walked over.

Zubicu's P.O.V

Russia grabbed my hand, and dragged me straight into the closet. Prussia closed the door.

"Seven minutes, guys.....good luck, Zubicu." he says nervously. I nod, backing over to the other side of the closet, glad the door's muffled so anything that happens in here isn't heard by outside.

It's black in the closet once the door's shut. I can't see a thing. Instead, I keep backing up until I hit something solid. I hope it's a wall, and lean against it. Then two arms wrap around my waist and my face pales.


"We should at least play the game, da?" he says.

I hold back my shaking, but it stops when he rests his chin on my head. I can sense him smiling gently. His coat's warm, I think, and turn around, wrapping myself under the folds of it and closing my eyes gently. He backs up against the wall, holding me in his arms.

Well, what happens in the closet stays in the closet, eh? I might as well play the game. I think. I turn around to face him. He's looking down at me with admiration, no sign of his usual hate or darkness.

"You're a brave girl, da? Deciding to play even though you have a boyfriend."

I shrug. "So long as nobody knows."

"Five minutes!" Prussia calls. We exchange a look and the next thing I know Russia's slammed his lips onto mine, flipping us round so I'm up against the wall. I kiss back with just as much passion. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs round his waist, running my fingers through his silver hair. His hand slips up my shirt. I blush heavily, but he ignores it, and bends his head, taking it away from my mouth and leaving kisses down my neck. I moan slightly when he hits my sweet spot, and he smirks, kissing it.

He seems to get bored with me not doing anything and moves away, letting me back down. I blink at him, confused. He nods at the door.

"One minute. We don't want to get caught, da?" I nod quickly. So for the last minute we stand there chatting.

When Prussia opens the door he's very disappointed at the fact we're not doing anything. Spain grins at me as I walk out.

"I know you got up to something in there, didn't you, mi hija?" I blush, hskaing my head. He smirks, ruffling my hair. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. You go, chica."

I giggle and walk back over to Romano, sitting down in his lap again. I can tell he's jealous but he shrugs it off.


Sorry, I messed up, I know xD But I didn't really want to get caught with Russia when Romano's there.....you know? xD I tried my best.

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