Chapter 8 |Bus Stop|

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I wake up to my alarm, again, just like yesterday. Happy Tuesday. I slap my alarm and roll out of bed, and look in the mirror I set in my dresser. Maisey. I face palm, I promised to say goodbye to her. After school today, her school isn't that far away from mine, I can, just walk there after school and say my goodbyes then.

I pick a blue dress out, and quickly change into it. I grab my black lace-up boots and slide them on, then I tie the laces. I grab my hairbrush and quickly brush it up into a ponytail, and put a blue hair bow in. I grab my hand mirror, and my makeup and quickly put on, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Then I run downstairs and see that Danny and Rachael are both in the kitchen.

"Good morning." Rachael says to me, "we weren't sure if you needed to be woken up or not... so we just figured you'd be fine."

"Oh, yeah I have an alarm clock." I inform her, "what are you cooking?" I sniff and I smell something really good.

"Pancakes and bacon." Danny answers.

"Yum." I reply.

"Yeah, as long as Danny isn't the one cooking them." Rachael jokes with him.

"Hey!" He exclaims.

"What?!" She replies, "it's true."

"It is not." He replies.

"He really is quite the terrible cook." She whispers to me, "don't ever try his cooking." I laugh.

"Thanks for the advice." I thank her.

"No problem." She laughs.

"Grace are you almost ready?" She yells upstairs.

"Yeah, I'm right here." She walks around the corner, she breaths in and smells the pancakes too, "oh no. Danno isn't cooking is he?" She asks, panic growing on her face.

"Don't worry sweetie, I won't let him anywhere near the stove." Rachael a seers with a laugh, "especially not after what happened last time."

"What happened?" I ask from my seat at the table.

"He almost burned the house down." Grace informs me walking over and sitting next to me. "We had to call the fire department."

"Oh." I reply, laughing with them. Rachael walks over to the table, and gives Grace and I a plate with pancakes.

"Here you guys go." She sets them in front of us. "Do you take the bus?"

"Yeah," I answer. "Does the bus for Oahu High School stop in this area?"

"Yeah, in about 20 minutes." Danny informs me, "so if you run out of time we can drive you."

"Okay, thanks, but I'll just stick with taking the bus." I thank him, then quickly eat. I put my plate in the sink, then go and brush my teeth. Then I go upstairs, and grab my backpack. I put lipstick on, then go back downstairs. "Where does the bus pick up people at?"

"Just down the street." Danny points to the corner of the street.

"Okay thanks." I wave, "I'm gonna go see an old friend after school, so I'll text you if I need a ride home."

"Okay, see you later." He waves and I walk outside.

I walk over to where Danny said the bus stop was, and sit down on the bench nearby. I look around am I the only one here? I hear talking, and I look and see a group of people coming. They come and stand next to me, also waiting for the bus.

"Hey I haven't seen you get picked up in this area." One of the girls says, "your Casey, right?"

"Yeah," I nod and offer my hand to shake. "Casey Sullivan, what's your name?"

"I'm Jamie," she shakes my hand. "This is Oliver," she points to the guy with red hair, and green eyes.

"Hello." He says, looking up from his phone.

"And this is Chris." She points to the other boy with her. He has blonde hair, and brown eyes. Jamie has shoulder length half brown, half blonde hair, and brown eyes. "He's my baby brother."

"I am not." He says, "we are twins."

"But I'm older by 2 minutes." She sticks her tongue out at him, "sorry, but that makes you younger then me."

"Whatever." He shrugs, then turns to me, "nice to finally meet you Casey."

"Finally?" I ask him.

"Your one of the most popular people in our grade." He informs me, "I thought you lived on the other side of town?"

"I did, but I moved." I try my best to keep the explanation simple. I hear the bus, and it parks in front of us. "Nice meeting you guys." We all get on and I go sit in my normal seat.

I've already made new friends thanks to this move. My life has actually officially changed for the better. Today is going to be a good day. No, not good, Great.

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