chapter No.2

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Riya was finiding a taxi to go back home.After waiting for a long time, 1 taxi stopped but on the opposite side of the road.

She was crossing the road when she met with an accident.

The accident was the one which changed her life. When she laid her eyes on him, she was lost. She didn't feel any pain. She just fell on the ground looking at his brown eyes.

Those dark brown eyes were something that took her away from the pains. The brown eyes ran towards her. Held her in his arms and took her to the hospital as soon as possible.She saw the concern in his eyes.

But she was hit hard so she felt unconcious in his arms. She was taken to operation theatre. Luckily she was saved.

When she opened her eyes, she could only see darkness. She tried blinking several times but only darkness could be seen.

She soon came to know her eye sight was gone.

All colours of her life faded.

She can never see those brown eyes.

she can never be an interior designer.

She could never see anyone.

Her parents visited a psychiatrist. They found ways to make her optimastic.

she was not alone. She had her parents and her friends who were true who stood by her side even in her darkness.

They helped her a lot. They showed her colours in the dark. They showed her the meaning of life.

Though she was upset but her loved ones always made her happy. was happy thinkng about other things she could do.

She helped everyone in every way possible. She learnt things she could do even though she was blind.

Having those happiness she found, still missed those brown eyes. The eyes were so captivating. The eyes were so concerned . Was all she thinks.


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