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It's the last period right now. 5 minutes more until my classmates leave this classroom and go, on their own ways to get home.

Well, for me, I have to stay here for a while. I have to show seven boys around. Is it seven, though? I was not there when they were introducing. And I didn't count them before I leave. Shit. This is really going to be awkward.

Do I really need to do this? Why can't other people show them around? Why does it have to be me? Why.

Just when our teacher stopped talking about the lesson, the bell rang. Which means, I have to look for seven boys, then show them around.

And it will start when I get out of this classroom.

Sighing, I picked up my bag that was on the ground, slinging it to my shoulder.

❝Miss [Name], are you okay? You seem a little down today. Is something wrong?❞ Asked my teacher who is arrranging her things, ready to leave.

❝Ne? Ah... Aniyo. I'm fine sosaengnim,❞ I smiled at her just to reassure her.

❝Arraseo. I'll go first. Take care,❞ She smiled at me before walking out the door.

❝Ne. Kamsahamnida,❞ I bowed, even though I heard the door closed. I walked out the classroom, sluggishly. Aish. I'm going crazy.

❝Annyeong!❞ My eyes widen, jumping a little from the screams that echoed the now, empty hallway.

❝Yah! Stop being hyper, guys. You're scaring her. Annyeong Seokjin-imnida. You can call me Jin, though,❞ Smiled the guy infront of me, offering his hand for me to shake. Omo. He's handsome.

❝Ah... Ne! It's nice to meet you. I'm [Name] by the way,❞ I smiled widely, taking his hand, shooking it lightly.

❝I'm Namjoon, nice to meet you,❞ He said, smiling at me. He has dimples?! Oh my gat! I kennat. Lyk really?! Dimples are hart hart, you know? Okay. I'll stop.

❝Annyeong noona, Jungkook-imnida!❞

❝Yah! Addressing her as noona, when you don't even know if she's younger or older than you?❞ Asked the handsome-jerk. Finally, he spoke.

❝It's okay. How old are you, Jungkook-ah?❞ I asked. His face is like a fetus. I had to ask. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.

❝I'm eighteen-years-old, turning nineteen this September,❞ He answered, smiling at me.

❝Ah... I'm older than you. I'm turning twenty this year,❞ I said, chuckling.

❝See, hyung? I told you. She's older than me一❞

❝You never said anything, kookie,❞ The handsome-jerk laughed at Jungkook. Which cause all of us to laugh.

❝You're mean, hyung!❞ Said Jungkook, pouting and crossing his arms.

❝I'm Taehyung. Sorry again about the skateboard incident,❞ Ah, so Taehyung is his name? It's cute一 Yah! What are you thinking, [Name]?

❝It's okay. Forget about it. I'm sorry for what I said, though. Mianhae,❞ I said, looking down at the ground.

❝It's okay,❞ I looked up at him. He smiled. Wa一 his smile. Oh my god. Stop yourself, [Name]. Stop.

❝This is Yoongi-hyung, by the way!❞ He said, gesturing to the boy beside him.

❝Annyeong,❞ I said, bowing. He just smiled at me. He's white. Like snow white. Just kidding.

❝So, I'll tour you guys, around. Please don't get boring. I'm begging you!❞ They just laughed. I don't know but, I feel comfortable around them now. I thought this is going to be awkward.

We began walking, me telling them what is what, where is where. Talking and laughing on the way, with seven crazy boys.

After a while of touring them around, we took a rest. It's tiring walking around. Duh. Our school is big. I'm not bragging. I just like the word duh. Hehe.

But, it was worth it. I got to know them well.

❝That was tiring, noona. Are we done?❞ Said Jungkook, who's breathing heavily. I laughed before answering,

❝We're not. There's some places that you might get lost. But, if you're tired, we're done for today. I'll show you around tomorrow. I'll still be with you guys, I don't want someone to get lost,❞ They laughed.

❝We're not going to get lost. You're great, [Name]-ah! How can you show seven crazy boys around?❞ Said J-hope, laughing. He's still hyper. Isn't he? He doesn't look like he's tired.

❝Kamsahamnida, Hobi-ah. So, I'll meet you guys, tommorow? Call?❞ I asked them, offering my hand for one of them to shake.

❝Call!❞ They said altogether, Jimin shaking my hand while smiling.

❝Yah! Hyung, I wanted to hold noona's hand!❞ Fake cried Jungkook.

❝Too bad, kookie-ah,❞ We all laughed.

❝I'll get going, first. I hope you had fun today,❞ I said, smiling brightly at them.

❝Jalga!❞ I added. Walking away. Turning back to take a look at them, waving.

❝Bye!❞ I yelled for them to hear.

When I got to the school gate, I texted my mom saying I'll be home in minutes. Today is actually fun. I didn't expect to have that comfortable feeling around them. I can talk without feeling nervous or being uncomfortable while facing them.

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