The Unsung Supreme-High Commander (Leo Valdez/Heroes of Olympus FanFiction)

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Ok, this story is for all the Percy Jackson fans out there, I’ve just finished reading the mark of Athena for like, the fifth time. I’m dying without the next book, and one of my absolute FAVOURITE characters is Leo, we are so alike its scary and he’s just so funny and such a dude. I wanted to write a fanfic since I’ve noticed a lack of them and I’m also writing others, not just about Leo, but I’m also doing a Percy and Annabeth one, since I am dying after there, let just say, little fall…

I will warn ya’ll in advance, I’m crap at writing fight scenes, sorry ‘bout that.

I may keep writing Heroes of Olympus fanfics if this really takes off, please comment below and vote. I love feedback.

Anyways, on with the story!!

(Also, Leo is a bit more serious than usual in this, Rick Riordan is the original author etc, and I can’t ever be as good as him. I wanted Leo to be recognised as more of a Hero than is really being let on here, so I’m just hoping this is gonna be good!!)



If you had the choice to save your friends, and give up yourself, would you do it?


What if they were your only friends, the only 6 friends you ever had and would. (Not counting the half-crazy satyr that might make 7).

Would you?

Leo Valdez did, and he nearly lost his life to take that blow for his friends.

The Argo II was returning home, having defeated Gaia and her minions; the goddess was sound asleep once more. Leo stood at the helm of the Argo II, his fingers once again stone on the wheel, steering their way home to New Rome and Camp Jupiter. The Athena Parthenon safely tucked in the stables. The Argo II sailing to make peace between Rome and Greece for the first time – and only time – in thousands of years.

His eyes held steady on the horizon. Not far now.

When they got to camp, obviously they had weapons trained on them. Despite the white ‘we come in peace’ flag – especially because of what happened last time. Leo still hated and blamed himself for it. Romans wanted him to pay, obviously, and with his blood seemed the preferred way – especially by Octavian. But when the Athena Parthenon was revelled, suddenly all was forgiven. Everyone – including Leo himself, were suddenly true heroes to the respective Romans.

A celebration was in order apparently, and boy, do Romans know how to throw parties, was all that Leo could think of. There was music, food, drinks, girls and guys, dancing and more. Everyone was having a good time; all of them were partying. Jason and Piper were swaying to music, Percy and Annabeth doing the same while Frank and Hazel were chatting with each other… while dancing together. Yeah, dancing seemed to be a favourite tonight. Coach Hedge had gone back to Pipers dads place, to meet up with that nymph Mellie he was dating. Nico was… wherever Nico was, and that left him, alone, in the corner. The seventh wheel. Nemesis had told him. Always an outsider.

As a fact, Leo had seemed to be an outsider – all his life. He had run from foster home to foster home, worked better with machines and in-organic beings and never seemed to hold a conversation, especially if the conversation was with a girl. As a fact, he had always been alone; his mother had been killed, he wasn’t appealing to the ladies it seemed, and again; he worked better with machines.

The Unsung Supreme-High Commander (Leo Valdez/Heroes of Olympus FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now