Imagine for Tia

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Romantic Imagine for Tia :)

He is so mean to me! I can't take it anymore! He never speaks to me like he use to apart from the simple "good mornings' he doesn't even ask me 'How was your day babe?" like he use to but now it's just...nothing. He walked into the room and saw me on the floor crying. He just sighed and walked out. Soon after I heard the door slam and an engine rawring to life.  He's gone. That's it I'm leaving.


My phone buzzed signaling an unread message. I sighed when I saw who it was from...Zayn.

Where are you?-Z

I'm at a friend's house-T

Why'd you leave? Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?-Z


I'm sorry T. It's just been so hard with things -Z

What was I suppose to say? I can't just say 'Oh Zayn I'm coming back. I forgive you." It might just go back to the same me being ignored thing.


Oh right I haven't answered.

You've been ignoring me Zayn...and it's not easy being ignored.-T

I'm sorry I really know what I can make it up to you! Just come over in like 30mins?xx-Z

I sighed then replied.

Sure xx-T

~*annoying sponge bob narrator accent*  30 mins later~

 I unlocked the door, walked into the dinning area. No Zayn. I walked into the Tv room. No Zayn. I walked into the room and No Zay- wait there's a note.

Go up the stairs ;) xx ~Zayn

What is he up to? I walked up the flight of stairs and at the top was another note.

Remember our first night? Go there. xx~ Zayn

I blushed as the memory of our first night flood my mind. I walked into the bedroom and I gasped at the sight of  the beautiful bouquet of white and red roses. 

What's gotten into Zayn? What ever it is I love it!

Like the flowers? Liam helped me pick them :D Look out the balcony. xx ~Zayn

I smiled. He went through all this for me? I walked into he balcony. I didn't see anything, wait another note!

Look down babe xx~Zayn

I looked down to see Zayn surrounded with candles! There was a picnic cloth laid out and whine and everything! "Come down." He mouthed to me. It didn't take me 10 seconds to get down there. I jumped into his arms and he twirled me around and then placed me gently on my feet. Oh how I missed this. "I'm sorry." He said looking me in the eye with sympathy evident in his voice. He looked so vulnerable. I've never seen this side of him. I smiled and connected out lips. Butterflies. Oh how I missed them. We pulled apart he smiled. Oh that smile how I longed to see it. "So you forgive me?" He asked with hope in his eyes. "Yes..I forgive you Zayn." I said earning the biggest grin from him. He picked me up once more connecting our lips and twirling me once more. "I missed this. I really did." he said. "I did to Zayn."


yeah It sucks a bit but thanks for read it anyway! :D and again if you want one just comment or message me.

 ~Jewel xx

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