Chapter 3

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Melody's pov

As I woke up my head and teeth were killing me again and the worst part was I have now Idea why I guess it's cause of my fangs and the voice in my head would not talk to me now what did some of those wattpad books call them oh yeah wolfs duh oh I come plenty forgot I had my iPod with me if they had wifi here then I  could text my cousin and she can call my daddy and mom and mommy ( yeah my parents are divorced ) now let me see yes they didn't check my pocket and they have wifi score

"Courtney I need your help "

I sent the message to her and then I heard my iPod strum Which was the ring tone I had for her when she wanted to Face-Time me ( for those who don't now what face time is its the same as video chat ) then I text her "no we can't Face-Time they may take my iPod if they hear us"

( Courtney ) "Oh who are you talking about "

She text

( me ).

"ok I'm sending you a picture so don't freak out"

( Courtney ) "no you can't "

( me) " ok I have to go I'll text you when they leave "

And then she was gone I stuck my iPod back in my pocket and then I saw the guy who was in my room come in and then a matter of seconds he was right there in front of me

"WHO ARE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled

"sssshhhhhhh do you what to wake every one to wake up " then he picked me up lbridal style and as I stared to realize what was happing I stared to struggle in his grasp and he then sat me on th soft ground and then the next thing he did surprised me he wnt behind a tree and in steed of him there was this huge reddish brown wolf right where he was standing

"Ok who are you and what are you for the 4th time "

"I am a werewolf and I am here to protect you " he tolled me

"Wait what I thought that wolfs could only talk to each other through there mind link "

"Hahaha no that's only in the books you read and by the way I know you text your cousin Courtney that you thought that you are in danger but I promise you are not in any type of danger while I'm around " he a shored me

"Wait you now I have my iPod and that you have wifi " I said with wide open eyes

"Yes who do you think connected you to it " he chuckled

"We'll excuse me but I was trying to figure out what in the world is going on with me"

"Wait open up your mouth "

"Eeewww no way am I going to open up my mouth I have seen 'rock of ages' and I now what happens after a guy saids to open up my mouth and by the way that is disgusting "

"No no not that way I mean so I can see if you well have fangs or not"

what of course I do i'm 13 years old " I shouted at him

"What your only 13 "

" yeah ".

"Do you have a voice in your head that you can talk to "

"Yeah why "

"Because I knew it would happen to you early I can't believe this soon a full moon will be up on your brith day and you'll be able to shift and be able to change any time in the water and you'll be able to control your sing but you'll have to learn the song and" ---

"Wow slow down there buddy "

"What are you talking about"

"Never mind ok so what where you talking about before "

"That is not my business it's your parents. So come on its time for you to meet the alpha "

"Wait what I thought you where"

" no I'm just the beta" so who is the alpha then "

"You'll see you'll see "

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