To This Day

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To this very day I need a light on while I sleep
To face the monsters inside my mind
The light render these demons blind
All while inside my soul I weep..

Such Torturous thoughts to a neuron box
That wind it's self in endless clocks
Of maddening times of such disgrace
A gear or two I must replace
Or my gears and tears I will spill
Such a ride, oh what a thrill

A heart of mine so selfless It be
I try to help even when I'm suffering
Stomp on me and put me down
And I will still try to fix your frown
Cause even with the most dire of pain
We all still have something great to gain.

Full of blood seems no place for emotions
I store my pride in pathetic explosions
With weight on my chest being a constant now
I will be brought down and forced to bow
Say good bye to my life at hand
Pushed and pulled through so many commands
No more built in anger I will withstand
I will embark to the Pearly Gates oh so grand

Streets of blood dire for life
Break down from crashes then be sliced with a knife
Pouring the energy from beneath the surface
And repaired with time to continue it's purpose
Crushing blows to the body and soul
Till my eyes, turn black as coal.
Time will tell what my fate will hold
While my heart keeps burning cold

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