Painful Image Inflicted

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Sylveon's POV

As I run and run, i can't turn back from what just saw, the image was too clear for me to see that they are having Sex, it is a good thing though that no one passes in that Street area, or else they'll go to jail, I mean, no one is crazy enough to try and have Sex in public, but, the Image inflicted in my brain is too Painful to forget and remember

Sylveon: *panting while running*

As I run, the Moonlight shines on my Footsteps but it fades after a second

Sylveon: Lying cheater! I hate him! I hate them all...

Glaceon: You bitch! Get out of here! *grabs Vaporeon in the hair* i said, get out!

Leafeon: G-glaceon! Where am I?....

Glaceon: where are you?! You are in the central street of Glacier City! And you are having Sex with a whore!
*notices drugs* what's this?! Youre doing drugs?! You we're a drug addict and you hurt my best friend's feelings?!

Leafeon: i was drugged! Cant you see?! I don't know what happened and... where's Sylveon?!

Glaceon: you'll pay for this!
*Hail and Snowstorm has been felt in the Street*

Leafeon: stoop!

Flareon: what is wrong Sylveon?

Sylveon: he cheated...

Mew: what? Who cheated?

Flareon: cheat? As in Copied or...


Mew: Why?

Sylveon: I don't know either...but...I hate him... I can't forgive him anymore...

Mew: you should forgive him...give him another chance...

Flareon: *monitoring the area*

Sylveon: you're right...I'll give him-- ano-- *faints in the ground*

Mew: Sylveon? Sylveon wake up!

*no response*

-Top of Mt. Glacier
Inside of Glacier Temple

Espeon: I can feel an emotional pain....
My Friend is suffering!
*teleports in front of Mew*

Mew: Ah! Oh it's Espeon...

Espeon: what happened?

Mew: She fainted...collapsed...I guess?

Espeon: she's suffering's an image!'s gross...she's suffering from depression.....

Mew: did you? Wha... how... wha--

Espeon: no time to explain...problem is if she'll wake up or not...take her to my room...

Mew: just teleport her...

Espeon: whatever...

-Espeon's Temple and altar

Espeon: Hmm...Her memory from before is consuming her happiness...since she's asleep...Dream Eater!
*The Memories of Sylveon of what happened has began to fade*
She'll be able to wake up after 30 Min.

Flareon: Good...

*Earlier in Central Fountain*

Glaceon: how could you do this to my friend?! *Hailstorm approaches*

Leafeon: it's All a mistake!
*runs away*

Glaceon: get back here! *uses Blizzard attack*

Leafeon manages to escape

Glaceon chases Leafeon with Ice Beam
Leafeon: I'm innocent! Although I'm...not virgin...

Glaceon: Keep saying that...

While running, Leafeon accidentally bumps into Gardevoir named Lady Sarah...

Leafeon: *bumps* argh!...*looks from bottom to top* Lady Sarah?

Lady Sarah: Hello.....Leafeon....Thanks for hurting my Friend's feelings dumass...

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