Chapter 2 - Challenges

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"Thou love to me a delicious tornment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


"Eat this, will ye?" the supposed mother of mine puts down a bowl of porriage and scold at me for not eating today. She was getting frustrated with my confusion and randomness of words.

I wouldn't talk to anyone for days, I was confused, shocked and mostly scared, a lot. I even thought about calling someone but then that stupid idea was out of the clouds as soon as possible as I realized there will be no reception her. It's strange how I have my phone here with me out of all the other things I could have and mostly when I woke up I wasn't wearing my same clothes before I got shocked.

 I was wearing what everyone else was wearing , simple skirt and a white blouse, my light brown hair was tied up in neat braided bun, there wasn't any make up around my dark blue eyes for the first time, it wouldn't usually be loads of mascaras and eyeliners. Only I realized that until after my mental breakdown with everyone's staring including Nicholas, who I find kind of attractive actually, much more cuter than my now ex- boyfriend, but I find him a lot annoying , the way he talks in the way of his and expecially when he talks to me like he expects me to listen to him. I am my own person that is free from anybody, I don't need to be under his control.

During the past days, I was thinking very hard about finding ways back, anyways. I thought it would be impossible to go back since this all seems terrifying real but then again I thought of time travel wasn't real few days ago either. But this all seems so real and somehow it seems to be like a never unwaken dream, I don't know where to start and I have no one to help me here, for the last three days I have been crying a lot and into sleep as well, I usually don't cry but this is just a horrible situiation, I pinched my self in the arms a few times trying to see if I am just imaginning things but no, I did fucking time traveled, just my luck , unbelievable. I mean they all dressed like in Austen's Pride and Prejudice which a book I have read several time but that doesn't help, there's no Darcy to rescue me out of this hell hole. 

"No, I am so freaking confused at everything, I can't taken in account that I am here, look my name is Clarrissa Moon and I am from Seattle. I am almost twenty years old, was living with my dumpshit boyfriend, I could not be Evangeline or whatever and I am not wearing that!" (picture on the side)

I pointed to the awkwardly long skirt that the women held out for me to wear for the tomorow.Seriously how do you even breathe in this thing? it consider tight waistlines with lace tucked out in the front and the dress length drape down the bottom of my feet making it  barely visible. It has a very simple pattern , violet floral sewn at the bottom with lines.  It has got many layers within it as well, including a corset.. that's right a corset, like I don't even like wearing tight dresses most of the time when I have to now this.  It is kind of pretty but wearing dresses are definately not my type, I am more laid back with my camo pants and compact boots. 

"But you will be going tomorrow my dear Eva" the woman cupped my cheeks smoothly like it wasn't a big deal, what the hell am I doing?

"What?Tomorrow? " I got up my seats harshly , almost flipping the dining table. This is just too werid and sudden, whatever dream it is, I have to wake up.

"Look, I am not from here! I know you might think I am your daughter and all that shit but I am not, I am not from your time, you know in the future with all the flipping phones and computer, 2013 , those times, I want to go back to that, no matter how miserable it could be sometimes. I don't know you all people so where the fuck are you taking me to ?"  I rant on about everything to the almost freightened woman looking at me poorly.

"I have no reference to what you are speaking but honey this is the only choice we have, your father left us no money and I have to work 100 pounds a year to support you children, barely , so you going to the Royal Palace would very considerate of you to us darling." she said with bit tearing up.

"What am I supposed to be doing in the Palace, stroll around ?" I glared my eyes at her 

"You have been speaking very werid lately ever since you have got ye head knocked up and what do you mean, of course you will be working there as a Royal maid."

Shit, did I just think she said that, not only that I am trap here in this time period , I am also being forced and sented to some stupid palace to work, as a maid,This is going to be a problem.

"Eva, Evangeline, are you listening ?" my fake mother shook her hand up and down in the air to see if I was paying attention due to my terrifying zone out.  

"Look, whatever you will like it or not, you are going, that is the final decision." she did not gave me the time to even to respond, I have no say in this, I am really trapped here and will be going. Few days ago, I tried to run away from here and find a solution to this huge ass problem but I ran out a few blocks, realized there is no where to go at all or anyone to talk to. Nick or Nickolas seems nice but his words just do not make sense to me.  But maybe on the way to the palace, I could find a way to sneak out?

"fine, mother, but why do I have to wear this dress, I am just going there to work , am I right?" my curiosity running out of my head as I pretend that I am obeying all the rules.

"Darling, don't you know this, each year the palace has a selection of girls going in that very day, they picked them from their handsome face, their features and their work of art and skills , it's not just who does the best chores around, is that so ? That's why you have to dress your finest tomorrow to show what you have got, and the finest of them all gets the opportunity to serve the Royal family personally."

"Wow, they really take this seriously, and are they nice? you know the Royal Family." I questioned randomly , just wondering.

"Well, the king is really strict but royal and fair ruler to his subjects and I haven't heard much from the queen but the Princess and the prince is sure a bunch to handle, especially the prince.

"What about the prince?" she is really digging up the gossips here."

"Oh, Evangeline, once you eventually have the chance to work there, you do not want to interfere anything with the prince, His Highness Zayn Malik Williams.They say he's got a handsome face, enough to make maiden girls fall head over heels for them,  but here's a advice of mine, stay quiet , do not make any trouble, it will certainly have you be punished or even worse killed, I heard that he is ruthless when it comes to things or people that make him mad, that's why you got to stay out of his eyesight. 

"what had he done so far that made him seems that bad?" I raised my brow, kind of scared now.

"Oh, extensive amount of things that I probably should not mention, well that's enough, see you tomorrow morning, my darling, make sure to get a good night sleep."  she said before she blew the candles out and left the room, leaving me in complete darkness. 

Leaving me wondering alone what the prince is like?


"I will miss you, and here's a letter from Nicholas, he couldn't quite attend to say goodbye today, he just want to give you this, so guard it with your life, with that she hands me a letter and a tiny box within it."

If only they know that I am not actually going to the Palace? I have to find a way to escape duin, I couldn't go, I have to make a run for it no matter how uncomfortable my dress is, do you know how much effort it is to put on a corset and it really fucking hurts, and my swearing doesn't really make me lady like that much, I know. 

she came over and gave me a kiss goodbye and whispered against my ears.

"remember what I said last night Evangeline, about the prince, do as what I said, do not get into a mess with him , you certainly do not want that." 

With that the horse started moving and the carriage rolled away leaving me puzzled on how serious could she meant about him, Prince Zayn.


omg I can't beleive I just watched This Is US!!!!! I can't hold my emotions any longer, it was just perfect and the topless parts just kills me, alright I don't want to spill anything to those who haven't watch it yet  but I will gurantee you  that you will get emotional and sappy just like me, you will love it.

Alright, if you like this chapter or story then please hit the vote bottom on your right corner or your top on your phone. :)

- Feeling excited and shit at the same time for school, I hate everyone there. :)

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