Lost Love. Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9.

Luce's POV.

I woke up on the bed next to Elena. She still looked awfully pale, although her neck had healed a little; that must have been Damon. I think I heard him and Bonnie talking, it may just have been a dream though. I slowly sat up, Elena was sleeping, I didn't want to wake her; she needed sleep. I walked down the stairs to the front room.

I couldn't see Damon or Bonnie anywhere, so continued walking through the house until I got to the dungeons. I could hear whimpering coming from one of the dungeons. Slowly, I followed the sound until I got to the last room. Damon had told me that this was where they grew the Vervain, just in case I needed it.

Standing on my tiptoes I looked through the small barred window. I saw Stefan curled up the corner, he was the one that was whimpering.

'Stefan?' I whispered.

His head snapped up, and all of a sudden he was right in front of me, scratching at the door. I stepped back away from the door in surprise. I gasped, and he was back against the wall he had been.

'I- I'm sorry. I just can't seem to- to resist your blood.' He whispered.

Looking around, I quickly opened the door to his cell, and stepped inside. I locked the door again once I was inside.

'What are you doing! Get out!' Stefan shouted at me.

'No, Stefan.' I stepped closer to him. 'I want to ask you something. I want to know why you dropped Elena when you saw me.'

I stepped closer to him again.

'Your blood. It smells so good. I just want one little taste...' He said to me.

Stefan stepped closer to me, his eyes dark. I stepped away quickly, my back hitting the door stopped me from going any further. Stefan prowled towards me, and reached out his arm to stroke my neck. I shivered, the blood lust was sparkling in his black eyes. His hands pushed my shoulders against the door, as his head dipped to my neck. I felt his lips ghosting across my neck before his fangs pierced into my skin.

I screamed in pain, and Stefan flew back. He hit the wall, the brick cracked at the force. I scrambled to open the door, and ran out of it. I ran as first as I could up the stairs, and followed the sound of footsteps. I felt hands on my side, and then the floor on my back. I looked into the eyes of a monster. I whimpered, trying to push him off of me. His fangs bit down onto my neck again, and I screamed in agony. Stefan's body was thrown down the hallway again. I tripped to my feet, and ran again, turning the corner and running into Bonnie.

'Luce? Luce, are you ok?' she asked me, her eyes scanning to my neck.

'It's Stefan. I don't know what happened to him. He just went insane. He bit me! And then he was thrown away from me. I don't know what happened. Where's Damon?' I rushed out.

Bonnie pulled me into a hug, before answering. 'Its ok, Luce. We'll find out what happened. We'll help Stefan. And Damon is in the library, do you want me to get him?'

'No! No, you can't. Damon would kill him.'

Bonnie's eyes widened, and she pushed me behind her. I turned around to see Stefan limping around the corner. He snarled at us, his eyes stuck on my neck. I could feel myself shaking against Bonnie, as she put her hands up in front of her.

'Why can't I taste your blood!' Stefan screamed at me. 'Every time I get close, something throws me away from you! All I want is a quick taste, what is so wrong with that!'

He prowled towards us, as I wondered how Damon hadn't heard Stefan screaming at me.

'Every time I'm close, it's like a burning. It's like you've thrown boiling hot water onto me, like you've pierced me with a Vervain soaked stake! What are you doing to me!'

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