What You Call Him/Her

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Anakin: You call him Ani, just Ani

Obi-Wan: You call him Bear

Luke: You call him Skyguy

Han: You call him Nerfherder...obviously

Jar Jar: You call him Gungan bunny (idek why)

Kit Fisto: You call him Master Fisto

Shaak Ti: You call her Lovely Sunshine

Kanan: You call him Leader

Ezra: You call him Batty

Plo-Koon: You call him Master Jedi, you thought it was respectful, and it was.

Hey guys I'm giving a shout out to ToreeTuiolemotu538 for giving me the character Plo-Koon, I really appreciate it! Also requests are open, Another Quote Of The Day:
"Who was his father?" ~ Qui-Gon Jinn, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

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