Elementary School

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So I wasn't really in Japan nor America but I believe that after Elementary is Middle School, then High School then University.
( Unless there is Pre-University )
Copyright to whoever made that cute pic.

              " OI! STOP IT! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK! " Komaeda dug his heels into the ground while Junko was dragging him. " I'm lucky, that Big Bro Komaeda is very thin. " " Was that an insult? " they reached the gate. Komaeda instantly sat down on the ground, not wanting to move. " Bro, Your Seven.." " Your seven too, "Angel" " " Your in August and I'm in December " Komaeda stood up. " So we aren't twins. Stop telling people we are. "
              " Komaeda? " Someone said from behind. They both turned around and Komaeda instantly escaped, 'cept for the fact Junko was grabbing his sweater. " Let go! " Komaeda tried prying if Junko's hand. " Good morning
Miss Hinata. " Junko bowed. " G-good morning, Miss Hinata..." Komaeda just bobbed his head. " You two sweeties, what's the problem? " " Komaeda doesn't want to go inside. " Izuru walked over and grabbed Komaeda's hand and dragged him to the gate. " What's wrong? Tell me," Izuru looked at Komaeda. " Do we really need to? "
" Komaeda it doesn't end at Kindergarten. " He hugged Komaeda. " I dare you, to make friends here. " Izuru inquired. Komaeda hugged back, " Only if you, stay with me. " His hair was ruffled. " Fluffy, Black ad red. " Izuru smiled. " Black like my hair, and red like my eyes. " The school gates open, signalling that school starts in a short while. Hinata was holding hands with Izuru, while he was ( sort of ) hug-walking Komaeda, while his sweater was being tugged by Junko. Miss Hinata smiled. If only they knew the secret. But that should not be told.  

Sorry it's short. I'll make sure it all 600+ after this.

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