Meeting Springtrap.

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Sara was sitting on her bed, playing FNAF 3 in the middle of the night, wearing her pink iHOME headphones. She was home alone for 5 weeks and she did make sure the dishes, rooms, and kinda everything were clean. She had to take care of the house all by her self. She was about to hit 6:00 at Night 4. 

"Come on, come on, come on, i have to beat this game. I already did the mini game. Now i need to beat this night and i'll do it all again tomorrow!" Sara said. Once she beat the night, she put her arms up. "THANK LORD!" Sara cheered. "Alright! Time to head to bed!" Sara said as she turned off FNAF 3. She lay down on her bed as she curled up in a ball. Sara slowly closed her eyes, now beginning to fall asleep. 

A static began to come from the computer, revealing what seemed to be a man, with broken golden bunny ears, bandages, and wearing a tinted golden sleeve shirt with a vest. He slowly opened his eyes as he looked through the screen.


Sara slowly opened her eyes and yawned, rubbing them. Sara was about to sit up but, she saw bandaged arms wrapped around her. Sara blinked in confusion as she slowly turned her head to see the man. Sara completely recognized the man as her eyes widened. She quickly sat up from the bed. 

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Sara whisper shouted. Sara noticed that her computer was still on. Sara quickly tried to get to her computer to try to message help but couldn't. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. WHAT IS SPRINGTRAP DOING HERE?! I THOUGHT HE WAS A GAME CHARACTER! Sara thought as she was beginning to shake a little. Sara noticed that Springtrap was beginning to wake up. Sara whisper screamed as she finally escaped Springtrap's grip, she ran to the door. FREEDOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!! Sara thought as she ran to the door, but, she accidentally hit her head on the door. Making her wince in pain as she held her head. 

"O-Ow...." Sara said as she had her eyes tightly. Sara noticed that Springtrap was sitting up from the bed, rubbing his eyes. Sara stayed completely frozen as Springtrap now looked at her. 

HOLY GOD HE'S LOOKING AT ME. HE'S LOOKING AT ME! WHAT DO I DO?! Sara thought. "Uh, what're you staring at kid?" Springtrap asked. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nothing..." Sara said. I'M STARING AT YOU CAUSE YOU'RE A KILLING BUNNY THAT KILLS HUMANS. Sara thought. Springtrap blinked, now there's an awkward silence coming up. "Okay, i'm going to ask. How did you get in my home?" Sara asked. "I went through your computer, simple as that." Springtrap said. Sara's eyes widened. "EXCUSE ME?!" Sara shouted. Springtrap jumped a little. "Holy fuck don't do that..." Springtrap said. (I'M SO SORRY.) "S-Sorry...Just surprised..." Sara said. 


Sara was now on Wattpad. Roleplaying with her best friend, Beauty. Springtrap put his chin on the top of Sara's head. "What're you doing?" Springtrap asked. "Roleplaying this Mad Father roleplay with Beauty." Sara said. "Roleplay?" Springtrap asked. Sara looked at Springtrap with wide eyes. "We have much to discuss." Sara said. Springtrap sweatdropped. "Anyway, what do you want?" Sara asked as she looked at Springtrap. Springtrap kissed Sara's forehead, Sara began to blush crimson red. "That." Springtrap said. Steam began to come out of Sara's face as she covered her face. "You alright?" Springtrap asked. "Yeah, i'm fine. Just a blushing mess..." Sara said. OH YEAH I'M SOOOOOOO FINE. Sara thought. "If you say so." Springtrap said, Sara continued to roleplay with Beauty.


(Pic by pole-bear.)

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