Week 2.

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Sara was laying down on her bed, bored as usual. Springtrap was laying down with her, his face on the pillow. Sara poked Springtrap's head. "You alright there, Springy?" Sara asked. "Mmmmmmmmmm......." Springtrap muffled as his bunny ears were going up and down. "Alright then i'm not going to ask why you're ears are doing that." Sara said as she got on her computer, now watching Markiplier. Springtrap slowly removed his face from the pillow. "What're you watching now, kid?" Springtrap asked. "Markiplier." Sara said. 

"Alright then." Springtrap said as he put his face back on the pillow. "Springtrap sthap putting your face in the flipping pillow." Sara said. Springtrap chuckled. "Well aren't you fucking adorable for acting like that." Springtrap said. (I'M SORRY ONCE AGAIN.) Sara blushed completely red. "N-No i'm not." Sara said, crossing her arms. "Yes, you are and you know it." Springtrap said, now sitting up. Sara looked away, but, saw Springtrap's hand grab her chin. "Springy, no, i only ship you and Goldie." Sara said, this made Springtrap let go of her chin and of course making him blush completely red. "E-Eh?" Springtrap said. Sara smirked. "What's wrong? You gotta crush on Goldie, Springy?" Sara asked. Springtrap crossed his arms and looked away. "Noooooooooooo." Springtrap said, still blushing. "MMMMHMMMMMM." Sara hummed.

She was now beginning to imagine Springtrap and Goldie kissing, making her nosebleed slightly. Springtrap noticed this. "HOLY SHIT DON'T NOSEBLEED!" Springtrap shouted. (I'M SORRY ONCE AGAIN.) "I CAN'T HELP IT! IT'S ANOTHER ONE OF MY OTPS!" Sara said as she rolled off the bed, now rolling on the floor fangirlling. Springtrap sighed and facepalmed.


It was not midnight, Springtrap was asleep, but, Sara wasn't asleep. Sara was writing down her journal on her computer. It's been a week since I've met Springtrap. He's not that kind of bad guy really. But, still, i don't know why he's acting like this to me. He actually didn't hurt me. Maybe it's because i'm a flipping 14 year-old that cries everytime in my life? Yeah, maybe that's the reason. Welp, i'm pooped again. Time to watch some Pewds and head to bed. Sara wrote as she saved her data and closed the journal. Sara turned on Youtube and watched some Pewdiepie for a while. But, she began to feel a sharp pain in her chest, but, it somehow didn't effect her. Sara blinked in confusion as she curled up in a ball. Almost falling asleep.

((Have this short thing.))

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