Week 1.

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Sara sat at her desk as she was listening to her favorite Vocaloid song. Streaming Heart. While she was doing her homework. As she was done doing her homework, she heard another one of her favorite songs play. Safe And Sound. Sara began to sing. 

"I remember tears streaming down your face when i said i'll never let you go. 

When all those shadows almost killed your light. 

I remember you said. "Don't leave me here alone." 

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight." Sara sang, she heard Springtrap sing as well. 

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. 

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now." 

Sara looked at Springtrap. 

"Come morning light, you and i'll be Safe and Sound..." 

Sara slowly sat up from the chair. Springtrap was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Springtrap began to sing again. 

"Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire.

The war outside our door keeps raging on.

Hold on to this lullaby, even when the music's gone. Gone..."

Sara began to sing as she closed her eyes.

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down.

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now.

Come morning light, you and i'll be Safe and Sound..."

Once the song ended. Sara looked at Springtrap surprised. "You heard this song before?" Sara asked. Springtrap nodded. "I-I didn't know..." Sara said, still surprised. Springtrap smiled a little. "I see you're surprised." Springtrap said. "Y-Yeah..." Sara said. Sara and Springtrap looked out the window and looked at the orange sky. 

The sun was going down. Springtrap smiled. "You have a beautiful voice you know?" Springtrap said. Sara blushed but smiled. "My family always said that when i was singing..." Sara said. 

But, she began to let tears fall from her face as she was smiling. "It's funny you know? Once you just, sing some songs and people give opinions? Heh, i didn't believe the opinions my family gave to me sometimes...." Sara said, Springtrap noticed this and hugged her. Sara was surprised for a little. "Springtrap? What're you doing? Let me go...." Sara said. Springtrap just held her. "No, i'm not gonna let you go kid..." Springtrap said quietly. 

More tears began to fall from her face as she closed her eyes tightly. Sara sniffled. Springtrap rubbed her back. "It's alright, kid. Let it all out..." Springtrap said. Sara began to cry quietly. After a while, she began to calm down. "Feeling better now, kid?" Springtrap asked. Sara nodded. Springtrap smiled. "Good." Springtrap said, Sara wiped away her tears as she smiled warmly. "Wanna watch me play The Last of Us?" Sara asked. "Sure, i don't know the game but, yeah, sure." Springtrap said.



Sara was sitting at the couch as she was playing The Last of Us. Sara saw a guy grab Joel by the neck. "Oh heck no!" Sara began to press the square button. "Keep pressing it! Keep pressing it! Press it like you're mad at it!" Springtrap said. "I'M PRESSING IT AS FAST AS I CAN!" Sara said as she saw Joel punch the guy off of him, but, Joel got stabbed by a pole. Making Sara and Springtrap gasp. "Oh no!!" Sara said. "Anything but Joel! Don't kill Ellie too! Actually no. DON'T KILL THEM BOTH!" Springtrap said. 


Once Sara beat the Winter chapter, she stretched and yawned. "Welp. I'm pooped." Sara said. Springtrap chuckled. "That's what Ellie said on the other chapter." Springtrap said. Sara giggled. "Yep." Sara said. Sara saved her game and turned off the game. Sara turned on the Youtube app and put on one of Pewdiepie's videos. Sara was about to cross her legs but saw Springtrap's arms wrap around her, making her blush slightly. "E-Eh?" Sara said, she was now laying down on the couch, her back resting against Springtrap's body as Springtrap's chin was on the top of Sara's head. "So, i'm guessing this guy play video games like you?" Springtrap asked. "Yep." Sara said. "Well good, you should start making your own gaming channel." Springtrap chuckled. Sara laughed a little. "I already have a channel." Sara said. 


Sara was now asleep, Springtrap asleep behind her. Letting the blanket wrap around them. The last thing Sara saw before she went to sleep was a man wearing a blue vest, blue pants, and of course an apron. He also had short blonde hair and bear ears along with a blue hat. He also had black and white eyes. He was saying. "IT'S ME..."

There's a Springtrap in my home?!Where stories live. Discover now