kiss it better

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Finally hearing the sound of the door opening, I move slightly, pulling the sheets up to my chest. His footsteps moved up down the small hallway of our apartment to our bedroom, the door opening with a creak.

He takes his coat off, placing it on the small coat hang in the room, pulling his shirt off over his head and tossing it on the floor. A tired sigh escapes his lips as he takes his pants off, leaving him in a pair of briefs as he pulls the covers from his side, getting in with me.

"Where were you?" I whisper, not turning over to look at him and I can feel him jump slightly,

"Holy shit Y/N, you scared me. I didn't think you'd be awake."

"I wouldn't be awake, and worried that my boyfriend was cheating on me?" My lip quivers, but I hold my tears back. I'm stronger than that, I don't deserve to waste tears on something stupid.

"Cheating?" He whispers to himself, "you think I'm cheating on you?"

"Well, what else would I think?!" I yell, pushing the covers off my body, and getting up from the bed, "you come home late every day from the 'studio' but I know, oh I know, that you're not actually there!"

"My god," he mumbles to himself, "I'm working on a project, dammit."

"Oh yeah, what kind of project? A song so you could tell me that you're fucking another woman?!" I yell, a sarcastic laugh escaping as I scoff, and turn around trying to calm myself down.

Shawn gets up from the bed, walking over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders so that I'd look up at him, "Baby, listen. The project I've been working on," he pauses, "you're right."

"Fuck yo-"

"Let me finish," he cuts me off, "It's a song for you, and I was planning a date for us because baby," he sighs,

I was gonna propose to you and it was supposed to be a surprise, but I guess it's okay of I tell you. I would never," he places a kiss on my cheek, "ever cheat on you."

"Oh god, I'm sorry," I whisper, and he smiles,

"It's fine, don't worry." Shawn laughs slightly, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"I feel like shit, though." I pout. He kisses my lips,

"Want me to kiss it better?" He smirks, reaching for the strap of my camisole, and pulling it down. He places a kiss on my shoulder, "because I've really been waiting to do that all day."

btw this is somewhat inspired by "kiss it better" by rihanna(aka queen)
-luna xo

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