ride or die

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Shawn looks over at me, cocking the gun in his hands. The cigarette that was filling the car with smoke burnt out as he took one last puff of smoke, and let it turn into ashes on the ashtray placed on his dashboard.

"Are you ready?" Shawn looks over at you. You're both disguised as tourists and Shawn throws on a pair of sunglasses, throwing you hipster looking ones.

"Gonna rob a bank, gotta do it in style." You shrug, opening the car door, all the smoke being released from the car. You walk around to the driver seat and he rolls his window down. You bend over and place a kiss on his cheek, grabbing the gun from him. No matter how much trouble the two of you would get into after this, was all worth it.

"Alright, baby, you know the plan. Go in, get the money, I'm waiting here for you," He gently intertwines your hands together, "you'll have time before the cops show up to come find me, okay?"

You nod, rubbing you thumb against his knuckles, "A few minutes for a life time of happiness." He smiles, and places a kiss on your hand before sending you off.

Throwing your shades on, you twirl around towards the entrance of the bank awaiting. It's not until you hear, "Baby!" that you turn around, "I love you!"

"Love you too!" You pull the door open.

"This is a robbery! Everyone put your hands behind your head!" The gun in your hands goes up, pointing around at the approximately twenty people inside. Phones fall, purses are thrown but you head to the front desk. People are screaming, children are crying, your eyes are on the prize.

"Give me everything you have upfront. I want it all right fucking now!" You yell at the teller, who's shaking as she scatters to hand you green notes, "Hurry the fuck up!" You cock the gun to scare her, and she throws a bag your way. Bending down to grab it, your glasses fall off, and you couldn't care less to pick them up. You wink at the teller, "Thanks, babe."

The doors fly open as you run towards the small black car that's familar to you. The lights turn on, engine hot and you're laughing because of how much money the two of you have to spend now. Hopping in the car, you throw the bag in the backseat, and Shawn speeds away towards a small road with not much traffic. Sirens are heard, but nothing follows the two of you.

"We did it! We fucking did it!!" You yelled hysterically, and Shawn's laughing. He grabs ahold of your hand and kisses it over and over again.

"You did it, I'm proud of you." He says, smiling and your smile is even wider than his. A rush goes through you and you reach over to kiss his jaw. You both are crazy, but there's nothing better than two crazy thiefs who are deeply in love.

I haven't been active in two years so I thought I'd throw this trash your way. Hope you enjoyed.

-luna xo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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