chapter 2

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Aaron's P.O.V;

As Nikki, her parents and I were having dinner the phone rang, "I'll go get it"

"Hello," I said.

"Hey Aaron I, we need to talk to you about something come over right now," my mom told me through the phone.

"but I'm having dinner with them"

"I don't care come over you can go later"

"fine I'll be right there"

I hung up and went to the kitchen, "I have to go now my mom and dad need to talk to me but ill be right over when they are done. Byeeeee!"

I walk out the door and across the lawn to my house. I wouldn't even call this my house ever since my parents have been fighting, I've been staying at Nikki's. I like it better at her house, her parents don't even fight they are so in love. I just wish my parents could be like that. I opened the door and as soon as I did my mom called out, "We are In the kitchen honey"

I sighed and went in the kitchen to see both my dad and mom sitting in the kitchen I sat down across from them and asked: "OK what was so important that you guys couldn't wait to tell me?"

"Well you see son, your mother and I have made a decision that would change our lives. We are getting a divorce and I'm moving to England to give your mother some space"

I was shocked I kind of knew that this was gonna happen but I wasn't ready to actually hear it.

"Honey you are going to England with your father. We talked about it and thought it was best to get away from this and start fresh." My mom said and it broke my heart

I was leaving my best friend behind, the only person that I trusted and could help me through this. I can't go a day without speaking to her. The most time that I haven't spoken to her was a few hours when we were little and I had stolen her cookie. She's obsessed with food she won't hesitate to kill you if you touch her food. I've learned that the hard way. I can imagine my life without her my best friend. By now I'm sobbing and I don't even care why should I I shouldn't be ashamed my parents are getting a divorce and I'm moving to England a billion miles away from my best friend. How did I not have a say in this? They just decided that I would be better off in England?

"We leave as soon as we sign The divorce papers," my dad said. I went to my room and climbed to Nikki's window. I'm guessing she's taking a shower. I lay on her bed until she comes back.

When she opens the door and enters the room she immediately sees me crying and rushes over to me.

I tell her about everything that happened She sits on my lap and hugs me I can hear her crying when she has calmed down she gets up and that's when I notice that she is in only a towel I slightly blush I've Seen her in only a towel before and the view isn't that bad... wait why am I thinking like that about my best friend I Shake it off and wait For her to get dressed When She comes back we both Just fall asleep.

The next Morning I wake up next to Nikki my hand is on her waist last nights events come back to me and I hold back my tears, Nikki stirs Showing that She is Just about to wake up. Man, I'm going to miss her.

"good morning Aaron are you Okay?I know this is tough for you but Also for me, your parents are like my second parents and my best friend is moving away to ENGLAND! You know how Faraway that is ?" she tells me. I know that she is also suffering And I feel bad For not thinking about her but there is so much on my mind I think I'm going INSANE.

"It's Okay Nikki we will get through this I can come and visit, I don't want to go but I don't Want to see my parents Upset I Know that you Out of all people understand me." I sigh we stay there Just laying down not speaking Just enjoying ourselves while we Can because Soon we won't See each other no more.


today is the day that I am leaving for England, after endless days of begging my parents to let me stay but sadly they said that it was better than I was getting away from everything. but that's not what I want I wanna stay here by my best friend.

last week school had ended and today is now Wednesday. my parents signed the divorce papers on Monday and my dad and I had two days to pack. so here I am at the airport with my messed up family and Nikki and her mom and dad. I will miss all of them my best friend and my second family.

"why do you have to leave? can't you just stay here? with me" Nikki said crying and I pull her into a hug she hugs me back and we stay there hugging.

"Bye honey. I know you don't want to go but it's for the best." my mom said

"it's not I'm leaving my best friend behind," I say.

"shes just a friend she won't be In your life forever" so here's the thing with my mom she doesn't like the fact that her only son is best friends with a GIRL. she does like Nikki who wouldn't she's just amazing and helps everyone but she thinks its wrong that a guy and girl are best friends.

"she is, and I'm planning on keeping her in my life as my best friend whether you like it or not. Is that why you want me to move? to separate us well it's not happening"

and with that, I look away from her and grab Nikki's hand and lead her to a spot where we aren't visible to our family.

"Nikki I don't really want to go and leave you behind but I promise I'll never forget you okay I love you-you're my best friend," I say to her.

"I love you too," she says above a whisper. We slowly lean in and kiss. It's a short but sweet kiss and I couldn't imagine a better first kiss.

"I'll come back someday and when I do its gonna be the same me and you against the world"

we hug one more time my dad and I leave to board the train.

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