2) land of the goofs

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"Ill gather wood!" Tony stated.

"Dibs on food and wool!" I called.

"Ill look for coal then I guess..." Dan said. We all headed off to different directions to gather some stuff. We were currently recording for a new series, land of the goofs.

"A sheep!" I yelled when a fluffy white puff came on my screen in the distance.

"How many?" Dan asked.

"Five." I stated proudly.

"Yay! We might have beds tonight!" Tony chanted excitedly, making me grin. I ran up to the sheep and killed them earning 5 blocks of wool.

"Oh I found two sheep where I am so we got two more blocks of wool." Dan stated.

"We have enough for two beds so far." I stated and ran off to a herd of cows to kill which later ended in me picking up 13 steaks and 4 pork after finding some pigs as well. No luck with chickens. On my way back to find the boys I killed one more sheep. Tony had already started building a two story house and the sun started setting.

I went to the chest to dump all the food, leather and extra wool blocks in, stole some wood planks for two beds.

"I made us all stone tools with the cobable Dan gathered. It's all in the chest up stairs in our bedroom." Tony stated.

"Nice, thanks man." Dan said.

"Oh thanks." I said cheerily and headed up some wooden stairs to an nearly empty room with a large chest against the wall. I dumped in the beds and gathered my tools before heading out.

"Aren't we going to sleep?" Dan asked.

"I only had enough wool for two beds so I'm going to kill some spiders for string." I stated before slaying a couple of mobs. It was only about 3 minutes till we were all in our beds sleeping out the night. Might I add we were all side by side in a triple bed since the guys wanted to do sidesies and when I went to put my bed down a couple blocks away they invited me over.

"You do know the fans are going to troll us about our sleeping pattern." I stated while putting raw steak in the furnace.

"Nothing we can't handle." Dan said. We all took off in our own directions doing the same as yesterday yet I was only collecting food this time.. Well atleast that was what they thought I was doing... I was still collecting some extra wool for traveling beds.

"I found a village!" I exclaimed while I ran towards it. They both teleported over to me and we pillaged threw their wheat and potatoes, took over the doctors house and killed a few villagers. The village wasnt that far from the house, in guessing just none of us went this way.

"I was thinking of bringing my texture pack back, what do you guys think?" Tony questioned.

"I prefer the original for shenanigans and stuff like that but your ideal texture pack for builds which turn out much nicer because the pack is fancier." I stated.

"I actually agree to that, that was a very smart comment." Dan admitted making me blush, thankfully they couldn't see me.

"Yeah it was." Tony commented.

"Minecraft is my strong point which is pretty sad." I admitted.

"Yeah I second that, I'm not to good at anything, I'm good at sleeping." Dan agreed.

"I'm good with the ladies." Tony joked.

"You actually are while I'm sitting over here eating my chips in silence." Dan stated.

"Now you sound like me." I admitted.

"Well girls usually don't like guys with glasses.." Dan said.

"Are you serious Dan? Most girls shouldn't even care what you look like on the outside, it's what's on the inside and on the inside you're nice, funny and a bunch of other stuff I'm to lazy to list." I commented.

"I'm a nice guy, girls don't wanna date nice guys." Dan stated.

"Well a nice guy when your not setting Tony's dogs on fire.." I said.

"I knew she was a fan!" Tony butted in, making me roll my eyes and giggle.

"But Dan that's your problem right there." I said.

"That I set Tony's dogs on fire in a video game?" Dan questioned.

"No actually it's quite funny but I mean you don't have enough self respect, self esteem, self confidence whatever word you wanna use to describe it. Girls like a guy with confidence thus explaining why girls who want nice guys date douches. You can still be a nice guy but you need to learn to take control... Yah feel me bro?" I explained. I heard faint whispers but no actual loud voices.

Clap..........clap........clap......clap.....clap....clap..clap..clap.. Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Tony shouted. I started to laugh.

"Really? That got a slow clap from you guys? It was just a really awesome smart sounding speech no need to be amazed.... But if you are you can buy me Nutella." I joked earning chuckles out of them.

"I like this girl Dan she's funny." Tony stated.

"Yeah I wonder what the fans would think If we did some other series with her." Dan said. They chattered about me like I was even there for about five minutes.

"Guys you do know I can here you..." I trailed off with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, lets head back to the house it's getting dark then well end the episode." Tony suggested and we all agreed. We stayed on Skype talking about things.

"So where do you live?" Dan asked.

"Ontario." I stated happily.

"How old are you?" Tony questioned with his brows furrowed.

"I'm 17 but 18 next month, what about you guys?" I responded.

"I'm 19 and Tony's 18." Dan stated. (AN; I actually don't know their age I'm just guessing by how they look)

"Do you play any sports?" Tony asked.

"Uhm actually I enjoy a good game of soccer." I stated. This went on for another before I had to eat and leave for soccer practice. For the rest of the day, I couldn't get my mind off what happened in just the past two days.


I wish the guys revealed more about themselfs, it'd be easier to state facts instead of trying to make them up. If you hadn't noticed I didn't really put much about them. Anyways... Thoughts? :3

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