Chapter 1

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Tales of FamilyChapter 1: Morning Surprise!

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Tales of Family
Chapter 1: Morning Surprise!

Rei yawned as he fixes his glasses in the mirror as Nagisa touched up his hair.
"The girls have that half day today so during lunch I'll leave and pick them and bring them by the lab." The blonde reminded with a glance.

Rei hummed in response "Admittedly, I'm a tad nervous about them both coming to the lab since they never really stayed for more the ten minutes or so." He sighed walking to the bedroom door an down the hall to a light purple door with white butterflies.  After a gentle knock he opened the door to find his eldest daughter lining up her plushies on her bed nearly. "Good morning, Reina-chan." He called to her gently. The little girl, no older then 4 years old, looked up with s big grin and shining pink eyes. Her short purple hair was back messy with bed head.
"Good morning Papa!" The little girl said with a grin and ran up hugging her father. Rei hugged her close and kissed her forehead. "Ready for a good day?" He asked with a smile. Reina thought for a moment then nodded stating
"a good AND beautiful day!" She corrected.
"Nagi is sleeping still." She reminded as her little arms unwrapped from the embrace.
"Is she now? Well what will you do about it?"
The toddler stood a moment looking up at her papa before nodding having decided her next move. She took off rushing to the pink door with white penguins and opened the door shouting "excuse the intrusion!"

Surrounded by bright colors and clutching a stuffed penguin laid the younger twin Nagi still asleep. Reina sighed dramatically and walked over calling out her sister's name until the later groaned in annoyance.
"Go away onii-chan!" The blonde, violet eyed girl snapped as she drives under the covers. Reina stamped her foot trying to act tough.
"No. You must get up! We have school! Being late isn't beautiful!" She nagged attempting to pull Nagi out of bed.

Rei watched from the doorway amused for a bit before stepping in and picking his youngest up gently.
"Good morning my princess." He cooed earning a sleepy grin from Nagi. "How about you can pick which penguin to take to school if you get ready for breakfast." He offered earning a nod of approval from the still sleepy toddler. Reina followed her papa rubbing her eyes since she only put her glasses on after washing her face. Once in the bathroom he set Nagi onto the bathroom stool and Reina joined her as they washed their face and brushed their teeth. Once finished, Reina left to get her glasses and Rei began brushing out the curly blonde locks as life began to breathe into his youngest.
"Mhm I had a dream, where we went to the beach with uncle Haru and uncle Makoto! And daddy made yummy sandwiches too!" She explained as her face lit up like the morning sun while Rei finished brushing her bangs from her headband and set the sparkly pink frames on her face. Nagi blinked a few times then gasped happily.
"They came! They came!" She cheered leaning closer to look at herself closer. "I look like Papa! So pretty!" She whipped around hugging Rei as tight as her little arms could manage. Rei chuckled hugging back Nagi gently. He was so relieved she was happy with the glasses which before ended with her throwing a tantrum in the eyewear store when it was explained to the pre-schooler that she would require something once thought of as only being for her sister. This then ended with Rei adjusting his glasses in embarrassment as he tried desperately to leave so other shoppers stopped glaring at what appeared to be bad parenting. Miraculously however, Rei had managed to picked up Nagi's reading glasses despite the trouble. At first the young girl refused to even pick out glasses after an eye test showed her to be near sighted. After some coaxing from Rei and Nagisa along with everyone's encouraging words, she accepted the idea and happily choice ones that reminded her of her papa and daddy. Sparkles for Nagisa, pink  like Rei's red frames. Nagi let go of her father and rushed to her sister's room shouting excitedly at the cost of startling poor Reina half to death.
"Girls we best get a move on." Rei chuckled as he reminded his daughters.

His youngest returned to her room to pick out her clothes for the day. Nagi pulled out a pair of sea green shorts and coral pink shirt with white stars on it. Rei nodded from the doorway then bent down helping her get dressed.
"Beautiful, now go put your socks on while I help your sister okay?" He assured the beaming little girl who nodded excitedly for school.

Meanwhile Reina picked out a purple long sleeve shirt with yellow stars and a skort that was yellow as well. Once again Rei helped one of his daughters get dressed then sent Reina downstairs with Nagi and followed suit.

Nagisa was finishing up breakfast when a familiar feeling of little arms around his legs made him pause then smile. "Good morning princess~" he cooed earning a huge grin from the 6 year old blonde.

"Daddy look at my glasses!" She shouted stepping back.

Nagisa set the last bit on a plate and looked down pretending to be overly excited about the glasses on his daughter's smiling face. "My how lovely they are!" He gasped and leaned down to pick up the blonde girl to carry her over to the small dinning table along with a plate of pancakes as Reina was sat on top of a phone book by Rei. "Nee Rei-chan, I think the glasses look perfect." He commented as he served breakfast while Rei poured   the juice. Nagisa removed his apron reveling the fresh pressed plain white shirt and replaced it with his blue blazer he wore to work, which of course had a penguin pin on the pocket. Even through they both worked for a privately owned research center, they still dressed at least semi-causal.

"Thank you for the food." Reina spoke in a gentle voice as she shyly smiled. She sat calmly as she ate neatly showing complete grace in every movement made.

Sitting across from her was her younger sister who had dropped some food on the floor, managed to almost spill her orange juice twice, and kept swinging her legs barely able to sit still for a meal. She was not scolded but reminded gently to behave by both parents.

After breakfast the girls put their shoes on and waited for Nagisa and Rei.
Nagisa chuckled and held Reina's hand while Rei held Nagi's hand while she held on to her favorite stuffed penguin. "Let's goooo!" Nagi cheered skipping out the door with Reina shouting after her as the walk to school began. "Today is going to be a good day!" The girls shouted happily and giggled as they walked to school along with two very proud, very happy parents.

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