Where Are You?

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      I marched down the hall as fast as I could. My dark, long hair flowed behind me. Why was I in a hurry? Because I wanted to get to my locker, unpack, and go see my best friend, Julie. OH! Pardon me. I forgot to introduce myself!! Ha Ha. OK, so my name is Melinda, and I am new to middle school. That's all I'm telling you about me. Why? Because. JUST because. 

      So anywayyyyyyyyssssss....here I am, in front of my locker. I quickly unlocked it with my key tied around my neck (weird, huh? Keys for LOCKERS. UGH.). I then noticed a crowd of popular girls strutting down the hall. I heard these girls were really mean, but I didn't care.  Now I shut my locker, and stood there, waiting for Julie. Leaning against my locker... 5 minutes....10 minutes... Oh, where is that girl? 

      I checked my watch, and realized that class would start in 20 minutes. Great. I had time to wander around. I was really thirsty, so I slowly walked towards the water fountain. <Ca-clunk!> I pressed the water fountain. UGH! "Come out, water!" I mumbled to myself...and, uh, the water...Meh, I know, pretty dorky, but what-ever. I pressed it again. Nothing. And again and again and again and again! But it  wouldn't budge. Suddenly, an idea popped into my mind. I backed up. And then, with all of my might, I ran towards the button thingy and PUNCHED IT!!! I thought that cool, crisp water would flow out smoothly, but instead...........IT SPRAYED ON MY FACE!!! The water sloshed down my forehead onto my brand new uniform. But that wasn't it. I found something sticky on my face. UGH! Chewing gum.  Now THAT'S what causing the...water block or whatever. Why didn't I check? Where was my smart brain???

     Suddenly, I heard a bunch of laughter. The POPULAR kids were laughing. I still had my back at them. "Hey, little newbie!" said a male's voice, "Did you pee in your skirt? Oh, I do not want to see that!" More laughter. "Look at the freak!" "She totally fell for the Newbie prank!" "Oh My Gosh, look at her hair!!! EEEEK!" Suddenly tears strolled down my face. I turned to face them, but then someone grabbed my wrist and dragged my down the hall, into the restroom. "We totally gotta clean you up, GIRL!!!" It was JULIE! "Oh. My. Gosh. JULIE! Where have you BEEN in this world? To Mexico??" I was so grateful. She just smiled at me and cleaned me up. We rushed out of the bathroom, hoping to go visit the library. But then a bunch of kids blocked us...The Popular Kids! Julie frowned. "Hey, Little Newbie! You have a friend? Oh, my bad! We thought you were friendless." The group snickered. Julie put up her fist. "Hey, back up, we don't like bullies!" she said and dragged me down the hall. I only had time to look back and glare at them.


      BalletNerd at your SERVICE! LOL. So this is my very first chapter of my VERY first book, and I am new to Wattpad here. So I would appreciate it if you left a few comments! Thanks!


      For every chapter, I will leave a little "crowd choice" question. Here's our first one:

Which of these names (AND ONLY THESE) would fit for the leader of the Popular Kids? (female):

a) Jasmine


or C)Vivianne (I wave to the crowd!!!)

GOOD LUCK!!!! <3 <3

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