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Most people in this world will get a crush and then get over it like it was no big deal, sadly this wasn't my case. I think that it's been over six months now, and I just can't get her out of my head.

"You ready to go, babe?" My boyfriend Ryan asked me.

"Yeah, I just need to grab my phone" I ran up to my room quickly, grabbed my phone, then went back to meet with Ryan as he lead me to his car.

Once we were buckled in and moving I turned up the radio to Fifth Harmony's 'Work From Home', but Ryan turned it back down.

"Have you heard from Camila lately?" He asked.

"We talked about a week ago, why the sudden interest?" I've known Camila for quite a while, ever since I moved from Canada to Miami, we went to the same school and became great friends. I also knew that her and Ryan weren't really fond of each other.

"I was just curious Y/N, I know that you miss your best friend at times" he told me. This is why I love him, he's always taking in the small details in everything.

"Sorry, I do miss her and the other girls a lot" I tell him, memories from when we last hung out all together come back. I remember when Lauren and I would be always together during that time, I don't know what happened at the end of that trip, but we got distant.

I remember that I managed to get enough money to head to California, and spend a couple of days with them, it's been almost five months since I last saw any of them.

"I know, but you'll be able to see them soon, I can promise you that" he said reaching over to grab my hand.

I didn't really understand what he meant about being able to see them soon, but I choose to ignore it, and turn the radio back up.

Soon enough, we arrived at school and make our way inside hand in hand. I can't wait for school to end, I only have two more months and then I'm off to wherever I want to go.

Ryan went to go see his friends, so I made my way to my locker, surprisingly Taylor, Lauren's sister, was leaning against mine.

"Sorry, but you're leaning against my locker" I told her.

"Yeah, I know, I wanted to ask you something" she explained moving away from my locker at the same time.

"Ask away" I said, while placing my bag and my books away.

"Well, Lauren wanted me to ask you if you're doing anything particular this week" she told me. Just hearing her name gives me butterflies still.

For real though, this is getting quite odd now, first I have Ryan saying that I'll be able to see the girls soon, now I have Taylor asking me what I'm doing this week for Lauren. They don't have any concerts here, well not that I know of.

"Why are you asking me this?" I question her.

"Like I said, Lauren asked me to ask you that"

"Well in that case, no I'm not doing anything that I know of this week, except for school obviously" I told her trying to think if I do have anything scheduled.

Soon enough, the bell rings signalling to go to class. Great Physics, my worst subject.

The day went by quickly, so now I'm walking back to my place. I would've gotten a ride with Ryan but he has football practice today.

Once I got home, I went up to my room and  looked at my phone to see if I had any messages.

Camila: Hello

Y/N: Why so formal?

Camila: Why not?

Y/N: Point taken. What's up?

Camila: I'm not suppose to say

Y/N: Say what?

Camila: You're surprise..

Y/N: Then don't tell me

Camila: Kinda difficult not to

Y/N: Then what is it?

Camila: Are you at home?

Y/N: Yeah

Camila: Alone?

Y/N: You sound like a stalker. Yes

Camila: Okay come outside 😊

I get up from my bed and make my way to the front door. Why am I doing this? Oh right, to make her happy even if she's not here.

I open the door and look around and I don't see anything, wow thanks Camila I wasted two minutes of not being able to go do my homework. Out of nowhere, five figures come tumbling out of the bushes near the house.

Oh my god.. They're here. My best friend and her friends, that are my friends too, but they're here. One thing struck out more though, the girl I've been crushing on for over six months is back. Oh boy.


Hi! So, I used to have an old account on here, which I deleted, but I decided to make a new one.

Tell me what you guys think, 'cause I have no clue if this is good or not. By the way, I'm not the greatest in English so sorry for my errors.

Anyway, for those of you who come upon this, should I continue writing this or not?


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