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I was still in shock, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I missed these girls so much and now they're here.

"Girl are you just gonna stand there and say nothing, or are you gonna come give us a hug?" Dinah asked.

As she said that, I quickly ran over to them to have a big group hug. I still couldn't believe they were here.

Dinah: my partner in crime, someone to share laughs with, and someone to go on adventures with.

Ally: my second mum since she always takes care of me.

Normani: someone to dance with when we're bored and also someone to share laughs with.

Camila: my best friend since I moved to this city, the person I trust most, and the one that's always there.

And last, but not least,

Lauren: the girl that I've had the biggest crush on for such a long time.

I don't even remember when or how I started to like her in that way, I guess my feelings grew slowly then hit all at once.

"So what are we gonna do? I'm kinda hungry" Camila told us.

"You're always hungry Cams" I told her laughing.

"Oh! What about that place near my house, you know the one I'm taking about right Camila?" Lauren asked her.

"Lauren, do you know how many restaurants there are in the city let alone in that sector? I don't know which one" Camila replied.

"We've been there before", she explained, "Just get in the car and I'll drive there"

As they made their way to the car I ran to get shotgun. If I sit in the back I'm gonna get bombarded with questions, well no matter where I'd be I know I would.

"Awe I wanted to sit in front" Dinah said getting into the back.

"You just weren't quick enough DJ" I told her putting my seat belt on smiling at the tall girl.

As the girls were talking about tour life and such, I found myself looking over to Lauren. Just looking at all of her facial features and admiring them.

I know I shouldn't be thinking of Lauren in this way when I have a boyfriend, but I can't help myself. I've had a crush on her longer than I've been dating Ryan. It just seemed the silly little crush never went away.

"We're here" Lauren stated, as she got out of the car.

"Oh, this place! They have such good food here!" Camila said in an excited tone, as she jumped out.

As we all got out of the car, we made our way into the restaurant. It wasn't too busy which I guess was good. Once all of us were seated, and that we ordered, we were just catching up.

"So Y/N, how's Ryan?" Camila asked me.

"He's good"

"Who's Ryan?" Lauren asked surprised.

"He's my boyfriend" I told her.

"Since when are you dating someone?"

"Since almost three months"

"Oh" is all she said, which made the whole atmosphere at the table change.

Soon the food arrived and then everything was almost back to normal. Just as I was about eat though, I got a text.

Ryan❤️: Hey babe

Y/N: Hey 😊

Ryan❤️: Enjoying your time with the girls?

Y/N: Wait... How do you know that they're here?

Ryan❤️: I might've called Camila and told her that you missed her and that the week they have off they should come here.

Y/N: For real?! Ryan I swear you're the best!

Ryan❤️: Nah I'm not. Anyway, go have fun with the girls. Love you

Y/N: Love you too

I can't believe he would do this for me. This has to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

I looked back up to the girls to see they were still eating and didn't notice I was texting anyone.

"So, are any of you guys in a relationship now?" I asked curiously.

"Nope we're all single, but Lauren has a crush on someone" Normani told me.

"Who do you have a crush on?" I asked the girl with stunning green eyes.

"No one that you know"

"Y/N she has a crush on y-" Dinah started. 

"Dinah! Shut up!" Lauren yelled. I don't think I've ever seen her like this.

Yet again, there was an awkward tension that fell upon us. I don't know what's going on, but this really isn't how Lauren will act compared to how she was a couple of months ago.

"Hey, how about we go to that 18+ plus club later tonight?" Camila asked.

"I don't wanna go" Lauren said.

"And I can't go, still seventeen" I told them.

"Well seems like we'll go, then you and Lauren can hangout till we need a ride" Dinah said.

"Fine, but I don't want to have to stay up super late" Lauren explained.

"Then it's set, lets go now so that we can get ready" Ally told us. We all got up, payed for our bills, then went into the car.

Hanging out with Lauren for the night? I really hope nothing will get awkward between us.



So I haven't posted in a while since I've been on vacation. I did have enough time to post in my evenings, but I wanted to spend my time with family and friends.
I'll try to post at least once a week, so hopefully I'll stay to that.

I know this isn't the best update but it's a filler for now I guess you can say.

Again to the people who actually read this, thanks.

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