one-line one shots | part one

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[phrases in which to comment your requests for]

•"It never goes the way you want to."

•"If you don't like it, why keep doing it?"

•"At least you tried."

•"Just leave me alone!"

•"Do we have to do this right now?"

•"Why does it even matter?"

•"Yeah, it still hurts."

•"Can this day get any worse?"

•"It won't do any good."

•"Let's go on an adventure."

•"Don't listen to them."

•"You're doing better than before."

•"How did you know I was here?"

•"Let's go home, maybe watch some Netflix?"

•"Just try it, please?"

•"Stop it!"

•"I'm not doing that!"

•"I just want to be alone, is that too much to ask for?"

•"@Jared_Gilmore: I just noticed you. @y/t/n"

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