"Father!" I exclaimed in excitement."Guess what Uncle promised to teach blaze and I!"
"What?" He curiously asked.
"Fire of nine dragons!" Before I could say another word he cut me off with a stern look and said
"Now Isabelle, you know that is a move designed for only the most skilled. I know you are strong Isa, but you really need to focus on learning and getting full control over the basics."
"BUT FATHER!!" I screamed. " Isabelle, I said that you are not to learn that move yet and I mean it! Now go run along and train with your cousin at the river."
"Hey cousin!" Blaze said to me with a big toothy smile.
"Hi." I replied softly.
"What is wrong with you? Are you afraid im going to perfect Fire of nine dragons before you?"
Annoyed at his remark I took a few steps back and said: "ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Everyone knows that I am stronger than you Blaze!" He attempted to get a word out but all he could say was "Umm.." Before I cut him off.
"I'm sorry Blaze, I am just extremely aggravated right now." A puzzled expression came across Blazes face i could tell he wanted to say something but was holding back.
"What?" I asked.
"It's just that I have never seen you this way before what has you this upset?"
I looked down and said: "My Dad won't let me do any training that isn't considered to be the basics."
Blaze smirked and said: "You know Uncle Aeric babies you too much, he is always so afraid of you using too much of your power at once. My Dad on the other hand wants me to be as powerful as possible!"
"Blaze, are you finally done talking? May i remind you that I am only ten and I dont have full control over the spirit of fire yet?! My Dad told me that if i dont have full control over the spirit of fire, and the spirit bond isn't strong enough the attack could kill me and anyone nearby."
"Isa, you are just scared, my dad, your Uncle would never let harm come to us. We are family we look out for each other Isabelle its what we do!"
I smirked back at Blaze and said: "Yeah, you're right, shall we head home now?" Blaze screamed: "Race ya!" and took off running. "Hey no fair you cheated!" I screamed in broken breaths as I ran after him.
BOOM!!! "What was that?!" I screamed. "Maybe the rhinobeast are attacking again."
Suggested Blaze. "No, no way that's way too much fire and smoke for a basic animal defense. I say we go check it out, c'mon Blaze!" We ran towards the source of the commotion which coincidentally was at my house!
Blaze got scared and ran to his house which was adjacent to my house, call me brave or stupid but I ran into my house to ensure my father, the king had made it out. The house was badly burnt most of it was crumbling with every step I took, after searching my entire house I found no trace of my father. Just as I was about to leave the house my father came crashing down from the second story. In a panic I reached out to help him as soon as I touched him he screamed in pain, he was badly burned from head to toe, he was almost unrecognizable and I had no idea how to help.
"Dad, wha.. I mean who did this to you?" I said choking down my tears.
"Isabelle, listen to me you need to get out of here, your uncle is attempting to steal the Fire Republic from us, he won't stop until both you and I are dead. I need you to go live with your Uncle Ukiuk and your Aunt Cordelia in the water tribe, that is the only place where you will be safe."
"Father you are dying we need to get you medical help immediately!" I said frantically. "Isa, sweet daughter of mine you are the rightful heir to the throne, I know someday you will claim it back, just promise that you will be ready, trained, and strong enough to stay hidden until then. I love you Isa."
My Father reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful pearl necklace. "This necklace was your mothers, she wanted you to have it when you were old enough. This necklace holds many mysteries in it so be careful with it and never let anyone take it from you. Do you understand me?" I nodded.
"Good, Ask Ukiuk about it he will be able to tell you everything you need to know." He placed the necklace into my hand, as soon as I could feel it touch my skin I felt my Spirit Inheritance grow stronger than i had ever felt it before.
Just as i was welcoming this new feeling of power my evil Uncle rounded the corner with a fire ball already in hand, my face turned ghost white I fealt my body go cold, I was frozen in fear I couldn't move! He threw the fire ball directly at me with all of his might all i could do is helplessly watch it as it came closer and closer to my face.
"MOVE LEGS, MOVE!" I couldn't, they wouldn't move.
"Well this is it."I thought to myself. The fire ball now inches away from its immanent collision with my face. Right before it hit me my father put up a flame shield blocking my Uncles attack, and saving my life.
My Dad slowly got on his feet groaning the whole way up, he looked back at me and said: "Leave Isa, this will not be pretty."
Both my Father and my Uncle took the same fighting stance I recognized it as the Fire of nine dragons (The most powerful move known to the fire empire) its a powerful mix of both lightning and fire the only way to defend against it is to also attack with it. As i ran out of my house the sky started to grow dark with storm clouds lightning struck my house so many times that it was impossible to the count, the storm grew stronger and stronger as the two most powerful fire SIHS battled it out.. By the time I made it to the ships the sky had cleared and it would be smooth sailing to the Water Tribe, so i thought...

When Fire Falls
OverigSpin off from Avatar the Last Airbender, most idea's came from that so credit to them. Fire Republic, Water Tribe, Earth Empire, Air Union, four different nations with four different elements but all rely on one another. A story about two young gir...