"Tide where are we going now?" I look over at my husband to be. Ever since i took my first breath I've belonged to him. Yeah I know I'm only ten but that's just how things work in the Water Tribe. Once we're old enough we will be married and we watch over the Tribe together. I'm the daughter of Chief Ukiuk. Arranged marriages are common here, must keep the blood lines strong.I'm Luna of the Water Tribe first and only daughter of Ukiuk and Cordelia. I was named after the Moon, the Moon gives us our power. Our ancestors watched the Moon pull and push the tides. My people learned from the Moon and learned her ways. We are able to control the Spirit of the water, it's called Spirt Inherence or SIH for short. Their are also Elites, they have two SIH's.
"Just outside now. We can practice" Tide says. He can also control the Spirit in the water like I can. We walk outside hand and hand. I breath in the nice cool air, never going to get tired of that.
"Okay so what should we practice today?" I ask him while digging my foot in the snow.
"Well um we could" He looks around thinking of what we could do. He's two Moons older than me, I guess that's a good thing? Mother always said it was. Not sure why but I'll trust her on it.
We start doing normal small movements then work our way up to moving the water faster. He smiles at me and of course tries to show off but like always he messes up and gets drenched.
"Hahaha thats what you get for showing off!" I fall down laughing as he pouts and walks inside to get changed. I keep practicing and wait till he comes back out.
"Hi honey how are you doing out here?" I look back and see my dad.
"I'm doing good just practicing till Tide gets back"
"Was he trying to show off again? Did he get wet or almost get impaled" He laughs and ruffs up my hair.
"He got soaked, he ways trying to move the water over his head and he didn't follow through , then the water dropped right on him! You should have seen it!" I laugh as I tell him the story.
"It's not funny Luna!" Tide walks up to us then bows to my Dad.
"It is funny" I stick my tongue out at him.
"Well I have to go do some work I'll see you later" He kisses me on the cheek then walks back inside the palace.
"What should we do now? Besides moving the spirit water, we don't want you to go through all of your clothes" I laugh.
"Let's just walk around the town." He looks over at me scowling.
I giggle and start walking towards the gates to the city as Tide takes my hand in his.
"Open the gates I wish to take the lady outside the palace"
The guard nods as four SIH's open the ice gate and let us through.
I smile as I see little girls run up to meet us.
"Hello girls, how is your day going?"I ask.
They smile at me and say, "We are doing good, thank you Princess"
Tide winks at them as the girls blush, bow, then run off. I laugh as I look up at him.
"What did you do now?" I ask with a little laugh.
"All I did was wink at them" He says with a smirk.
I shake my head as we start walking again. I look up at the blue sky then at the little shops and homes.
"Can we go look at the water ways? I love those. " I smile up at him and give him the Polar dog eyes. Oh my gosh I want a Polar dog, they are so cute and huge! So fluffy!
"Oh alright we can go. But if we see that weird guy again that tries to give you Ice Lilies or any gift were not going back ever again okay" He looks down at me sternly.
"Okay..." I don't see whats wrong with that guy. He is really nice and he waits for me to go to the water ways every day. He is tall, handsome, with a nice voice and he gives me gifts for nothing when Tide gives me nothing.
"Lets go" We walk up the ice stairs and start walking to the water way.
The water way goes through out the whole city, but there is one place that is so beautiful. It's on the edge of the city, the water is so clear that you can see fish swimming and its the only place in the city where Ice Lilies grow.
The Ice Lily is my favorite kind of flower and the only one that grows up here. It needs a lot of water and the perfect temperature. But it's super hard to get them. You have to get out of the city, some how go over the river and up a giant snowy icy hill to
get one. My Mother told me that Father got her one.After walking through the city past people who bow, greet us, and give us gifts we finally get there. I see the same boy I've always seen before waiting but never got his name. I look at him looking at the water holding a Ice Lilly in his hand.
We walk towards the wall that keeps us from falling into the water, I lean down to look at the water and I see him smiling at my reflection. I look back at Tide turned towards the buildings and looking at the sky. I look back at the water and smile back at him. His ocean blue eyes light up from me smiling.
"Tell me when you want to leave." Tide says with boredom.
"Okay but its going to be awhile" I smile saying it as I look into the water at the mysterious boy. I look up at him as he smiles and hands me the Ice Lilly.
"For you my beautiful Princess" He says with a smile and a bow.
"Thank you" I curtsy and smile at him.
"My Princess you look wonderful on this day. You look so beautiful that nothing in this world could ever compare to your beauty" He takes a hold of my free hand and kisses it.
"Why thank you. That was very sweet of you." I can feel myself blushing as his cool lips touch my hand.
"Okay all right its time for us to leave. You should never touch the Princess like that again. She is mine not yours." Tide pulls my arm as he starts walking off.
I look back at the mysterious boy that I might never see again. He looks back at me with sad eyes as he watches me get dragged away.
"Tide stop that it hurts. Let go of me. Please" I try to keep up with him as he pulls me with him. He doesn't listen to me and keeps pulling me along.
He pulls me to the gate and brings me home. He stops pulling me and hold my hand tightly as we get inside the palace. We walk through the halls and we get to my room as he pulls me in and sits me on my bed. He paces by the window that looks out to the city.
"Tide what's wrong?" I ask him concerned.
"Nothing Luna nothing." He doesn't look back at me and keeps looking out the window.
"I think you should go home and rest..." I say quietly.
"No I'm fine. I don't need to go home. I need to stay with you and make sure your okay."
"I'm fine. No one is going to come in. We have guards everywhere. There even outside of my door right now."
He looks back at me and kisses my hand. "I'm sorry. I'll come back and escort you to dinner." With that he walks out and leaves me alone in my room.
I look at the Ice Lilly and walk to my closest. I open it up and put it by my other Lilies that I grow secretly. I smile at all of the ones I have.
I close my closet and look out the window. I look out at the horizon and look closely. I open my window and get my spyglass to see the blurry thing in the distance.
"What is that?" I say to myself. I hear the palace guards ringing bells for the arrival of a ship. But these are different. This isn't one of our ships. I see it clearly now.
One lone ship.
One Fire Republic Ship.

When Fire Falls
AléatoireSpin off from Avatar the Last Airbender, most idea's came from that so credit to them. Fire Republic, Water Tribe, Earth Empire, Air Union, four different nations with four different elements but all rely on one another. A story about two young gir...